
Some of you guys are lucky, lol, your coyotes are either blind or missing feet, so they should be at a handicap. Evidently the ones I'm dealing with are 100% healthy because they sure haven't been easy to come by this winter.

Good luck for the rest of the season (if you have one) and keep posting to this thread. It's one of the best ones on this site IMO.
Duck, I'll take all the handicaped ones I can find, but truth is that ole' One-Eye is as wiley as they come, maybe due to his handicap. He is much more skittish than normal, healthy coyotes. I have had crippled coyotes visit my baitsite in the past, and every one has been extremely cautious, I guess since maybe their handicap leaves them more vulnerable.
Originally Posted By: 6mm06
Hey, that's great Gobbler. Hopefully he will continue visiting. I know the feeling about being stoked. Coyotes have a way of making my heart pound a little faster. My coyote has a left front paw missing. Looks like between us we have a matching pair. I am one up on you though - I have one that is blind in his left eye. Now if only I can find more time to hunt.

Good luck on that one.

Hi DannyK, haven't seen you in a while.

hey 6 been away from pred hunting for a few years, bought a place in Florida, call it Winter camp. Since doing that the state DNR has changed the rules allowing centerfire rifles of .269 calibre or smaller for nightime predator hunting and opened the season for 24 hours 12 months out of the year so now I can get back to my favorite hunting. Bought a proton night vision for the Stag need to install it when I get back home, and give it a go.
Good deal on the siting gg!!! Now, get after him so we can see the pics!!! No handicap coyotes for me that I've seen, however, I am over run with raccoons...a lot of which are, lets say physically challenged!!! Three legs or no tail(bobtail) with both, no tail and three legs. His name "was" Tripod Bob. got me thinking!!!! Hmmmmmmm dog food in the spin feeder for summer ops!!!! Oh the drawing board we go!!
Stay after em Gents!!!
Hey, thanks for all the good luck wishes, I'll need them and then some. For all I know that yote is somewhere over in the next county by now. But at least one WAS there!

BP, I had quite a few "trash pandas" at my bait this year too that had bob-tails, bad eyes, and one limping. No wonder, the way they fight at each other.

DannyK, good to hear from you again. Good luck on your future hunts back home.

6mm, got my PNY battery today in the mail. How is it I should mount that to the rail on the x-scope again?
Originally Posted By: gobblergetter For all I know that yote is somewhere over in the next county by now. 6mm, got my PNY battery today in the mail. How is it I should mount that to the rail on the x-scope again?

Gobbler, that coyote got a taste of your good cooking so he will be back. LOL. It may take him a while to make his rounds again, but now he knows where to find vittles. I have had them be gone for a month and then suddenly return, or two weeks etc.....sometimes they return the following night or two. You never know when, but he will return at some point unless someone else beats you to the shot.

As to the PNY battery, I am using 30 mm scope rings. The battery barely fits, but it will and is an easy connect to the picatinny rail on your scope. The little cord that comes with the battery will work with the scope too, and isn't very long as to be cumbersome.

Is your battery flat one one side? Both of mine are, but the YouTube video I saw of it showed a round battery. I like this little battery and think it will work well for most of my shooting. As I mentioned earlier, it powered my scope (all features turned off except for the screen for shooting) for 4 hours and 15 minutes, and still had one bar of charge left.

6mm, yes, the battery is flat on one side.

I just hope my "Gimpy" doesn't get gangrene in that bad leg and die before he manages a revisit. Lol!
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Gobbler, you aren't going to believe this, but here it is anyway. I have a new coyote that appeared just last night. Of all things, it is either missing part of it's RIGHT front paw or is crippled in that leg. Man, what a year for invalid coyotes. I now have Lefty (Missing left front paw), One-Eye (blind in left eye), and now this new one, lame in the right leg. Of course there is brissle-back too, the only physically fit one of the bunch.

Anyone want to help name this new right-leg-injured one?

I got home from work before dark and rushed to the farm to check the camera and to rebait. Once home and on the computer, I saw this new coyote on the scene, which makes four now that have been visiting, three of which are arm-chair cripples. I wanted to stay at the cabin tonight but the forecast has over 70% chance of rain in early morning, so I gave up the thought. I just can't seem to find time to hunt.

I did a review of the X-sight by the way and posted it in the Night Vision section if anyone is interested.

6mm-Great review of the x-sight scope. I'm sure it will be helpful to folks who may be apprehensive about taking the purchase leap. Hope you get the clock bug worked out of your scope. Again, technical support at ATN might be the ticket.
So that's where MY coyote went! From my farm to your farm. Please send him back, it's the one and only. Lol. I've named him "Gimpy", but you can change it if you like.
It must be very frustrating to not be able to hunt with a new scope to try out and dogs at the pile. Tonight is another rain out for me as well. Uugh.
I ordered these scope rings for the PNY battery and the IR for my scope. Do you think they should work? I wanted quick release for the battery in particular for the ease of recharging.

"Gimpy" come home!!!
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Gobbler, It wouldn't be right to steal your word (Gimpy) or your coyote. Not sure this new one is yours though. I may have to bait him with fried chicken scraps to determine if he is southern. LOL. I don't know what's going on with all these cripples. I have in the past shot two crippled coyotes, one called and the other feeding on a dead calf, both on our farm. I suspect a trapper is in the area and having some get away.

As to the scope ring, I think it should work just fine. The battery will have a tight fit but should work. I had considered a quick release ring too, but had some rings already on hand. The little PNY battery is pretty neat actually and will amazingly power the scope well.

10-4 on the scope rings then. I'll give them a try.

Actually Gimpy was feasting not only on deer carcasses but some geese carcasses I had put down on the pile. ( Fried chick'in never makes it to the bait pile- the bones maybe)
GG, in order to be a bona fide user of fried chicken scraps to attract southern coyotes you need one of these T-shirts. Now I know Maryland wasn't quite in the south, but it was close, so maybe Gimpy won't know the difference especially if he has been going all the way across Va. to visit 6mm. Lol
untitled by Double Up, on Flickr

Just to give you some encouragement!

DU, can't quite make out the design on the t-shirt. It looks like a lady standing under a tree??
And, parts of MD use to be in the "south".
Things change quickly.

I checked the camera for selfies of Gimpy, just a couple of Reds and several trash pandas. I'm convinced he's gone to VA. Lol. I also changed the buffet from deer leg, goose,and crab and lobster hauls to a menu of fresh squirrel, beaver and otter. We'll see if that brings him back to MD.
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I hear they love beaver, so maybe that might draw him back. Don't know about the otter, but if he's turning down crab and lobster there has to be something wrong with him besides being Gimpy. He might have some mental issues.

Anyway, seriously, I hope you get a chance at him. Usually coyotes return when they find easy pickings especially those which are hobbled a bit.

Oh, the T says Southern Belle.
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Ha,ha,ha! No southern belle, just another predator hunter like everyone else on this site. I like to keep it that way.

I hope I get a chance to kill Gimpy too.
Originally Posted By: DoubleUpI hear they love beaver, so maybe that might draw him back. Don't know about the otter, but if he's turning down crab and lobster there has to be something wrong with him besides being Gimpy. He might have some mental issues.

Anyway, seriously, I hope you get a chance at him. Usually coyotes return when they find easy pickings especially those which are hobbled a bit.

Oh, the T says Southern Belle.

You can hear it again, from me, they love beaver.
Yup, that's why I quickly rounded up 6 carcasses today. Put some in the freezer for a later time. The BOP's (birds of prey) have been relentless on all my piles this year, so we'll see how long this stash lasts. From eagles to owls and buzzards in between, things get picked pretty quickly. Chicken wire over the bait worked for the birds, but the fox didn't want any parts of it, so I removed it. Natural brush worked for awhile, but I have video of a Red this past season that would grab branches in it's mouth and carry them off from the pile. I finally gave up.
I was going to try the beaver a trapping buddy that throws his beaver carcass' in a 55 gal drum all through the season. He has 2 drums full...but, they are frozen solid, so didn't spend too much time screwing around with it. May still give it a go when I get time. The fried chicken now...well, I must be a bit far north for that game.