Originally Posted By: gobblergetter For all I know that yote is somewhere over in the next county by now. 6mm, got my PNY battery today in the mail. How is it I should mount that to the rail on the x-scope again?
Gobbler, that coyote got a taste of your good cooking so he will be back. LOL. It may take him a while to make his rounds again, but now he knows where to find vittles. I have had them be gone for a month and then suddenly return, or two weeks etc.....sometimes they return the following night or two. You never know when, but he will return at some point unless someone else beats you to the shot.
As to the PNY battery, I am using 30 mm scope rings. The battery barely fits, but it will and is an easy connect to the picatinny rail on your scope. The little cord that comes with the battery will work with the scope too, and isn't very long as to be cumbersome.
Is your battery flat one one side? Both of mine are, but the YouTube video I saw of it showed a round battery. I like this little battery and think it will work well for most of my shooting. As I mentioned earlier, it powered my scope (all features turned off except for the screen for shooting) for 4 hours and 15 minutes, and still had one bar of charge left.