Well-known member
Last night I was fortunate to get another coyote after a long 8-month lull. I took it with the CZ .17 Remington, shooting a Hornady 25 gr. HP at 3921 fps. I used the home-made night vision outfit and the LLTL-001 illuminator at a distance of 60 yards.
The disappointing part is that I didn't have the bullet camera properly focused and clear as it should have been. What a bummer, especially since I have been waiting and hoping to get a decent video to illustrate the capabilities of the home-made NV in conjunction with the LLTL-001 IR illuminator.
I have learned that if I focus the camera during the daytime, then night time video will be blurred and vice versa, so it has to be readjusted. I did some shooting a few days ago and adjusted for that, then forgot to readjust for last night until it was too late. I could see plenty good enough to make a killing shot, but the video quality is lacking.
The coyote appeared at dawn. There was enough ambient light to record and take a shot if I wanted, but I watched this coyote come and go for over 20 minutes until it got dark enough that the camera was totally black without IR. I then switched on a 940nm light I have mounted on a tall 4x4 post near the bait site (23 yards from the site), to show how it works. The view was blurred. That should have alerted me that I needed to readjust. I guess I got "coyote fever."
Later, after the coyote was down, I adjusted the lens and it became clearer. Early in the morning several hours later, a skunk showed up and I did some video of it, so you can see the difference the adjustment made.
In usual fashion, the .17 Remington proved to be a drop-dead performer. I am simply amazed at how this little round performs. It drops everything where it stands. Amazing cartrige.
Here is a video of various scenes with the home-made unit. The coyote is at the end..
This home-made outfit works great for anyone on a budget who hunts a coyote bait site, or a feeder.
If you hunt out and about, calling and shooting at various distances, I would recommend you get a
dedicated NV scope instead. But, from a stationary position, this cheap little deal is peachy keen.
Here are a couple of photos.

The bullet did not exit, though it did cause an entry wound. There was no splash, so I'm
thinking the angle in which I shot may be partly to blame, and most likely it fractured a rib
that pierced the skin. The entry wound was rather small, but it looks larger in the photo
than it really is, due to blood and where I probed around in the hair trying to find the entrance.