
Well, that's a tough call and I guess asking your conservation officer is the best step. As I mentioned, there is no light cast in the sense of the eye seeing, but the IR illuminator allows the NV scope to see.

Are night vision scopes allowed? If so, then it seems that the illuminator would be logical to use, unless it's expected you use ambient light. The home-made outfit doesn't do well with ambient light, so it would be of little use without an illuminator.

Since several people have asked me about how to build the home-made outfit, I wrote up a Word document of complete a description along with links of where to find the various parts. I also have several links to videos. I'll be glad to help any way I can. Just let me know if you want it.


Hi guys, I shot this one this morning at 7:30 am. First coyote all season that came to the bait.
Fur is in good shape too. He lives on a stretcher now!!!
Fishsqueezer,I have a Leupold vxr 3-9 and I love it.The 8 settings are push button and flawless.I have had other ill scopes and they were so bright on the lowest setting You could not see the target.Not so with the vxr, even on the highest setting you can see the target. I am going to bye a Leupold ar mod 1 with lighted reticle for my 22 hornet and have them customize the drop turret for my favorite load.That lighted dot will put you right on a shadow in the moon light and even with my XL250 it makes sighting much quicker.It sucks when you cant use lights.Who makes these laws anyway,people with slop for brains.Our shinning law is so limited,all you can do is shine a hand held flashlight only at the point that you squeeze the trigger.Turn on and shoot.any way the vxr or ar mod 1 are great and priced right.
A couple of pic's from my bait site.

My one and only predator ever taken, Black Backed Jackal on my honey moon in South Africa

A .30-06 is not fur friendly, took out the entire back side.
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Uncle Steve, you are one lucky man to have such a loyal wife, that would go on a honeymoon to Africa, to shoot jackal. You got a real catch with her. Oh, and nice going on the jackal too.
She is one in a million, No one in a billion. She is the one that wanted to go to Africa. I would have never even thought to bring it up. South Africa is a beautiful country and I hope to go back some day.
Things have been very slow here. Lots of things getting in the way, keeping me out of the woods, and from working on the shed. Anyway, there has been a little activity with a coyote on two different nights.

Edit to add:
The bait site is obviously a wet, soupy mess with scattered bones. The most regular visitors are crows and buzzards, still, even though I have not had time to put anything else out in over a month.

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J.Mark & Family Guy,

Thanks for the info on the illum reticle scopes. Family Guy, I'm really considering the Weaver Classic Extreme due to the lower price, but I'm hesitant to buy anything other than a Leupold. How do you feel the Weaver compares to the Leupold?

Uncle Steve - bad arse jackal bud!!!

Cozwurth, nice photos. It is wet for sure, but a coyote is a coyote. It's always exciting to get photos and videos of them. Good luck.

Uncle Steve, thought I would post up a jackal hunting video since I don't have any coyotes to show for. This video was taken in 2007 in Namibia.
I traveled to South Africa first, then on to Namibia for a 3-day jackal hunt. You are right, South Africa is a beautiful place (Cape Town area).
It was a lot of fun. My wife didn't go with me, but she would have in a heartbeat if I could have afforded it all.

Here's a short clip.

Hi everyone: A lot of eagles, crows & ravens. Its been a few weeks since the alarm went off.Yesterday it went off numerous times briefly in an hr. I checked once, some creature way out. It must not like the green motion detection light blinking. Any ideas on how to block the light with out affecting sensitivity. It looks like the light and sensor are all in one but I will take a closer look today. Its a chamberlain good to 800 ft. I believe.I found the led it is separate from the motion sensor. I used black dlec tape for now but will use a dark colored nail polish. Dreamer
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You guys are absolutely killing me with these photos from Africa! My wife and I are heading over to South Africa in 2015 for our 10 yr anniversary. I'll primarily be bowhunting, but black backed jackal is on the list of critters I want to shoot.
Been a bummer of a season for yotes here, have had good bait supplies and it goes steady, but no matter when I am on one of the two sites I have going no takers. We have about three weeks left to the season and I have only seen one coyote, and it was a long way off.