
Originally Posted By: Uncle MikeYes wallbass I usually open them up as well. Often I skin them halfway if the paunch is still intact. Unfortunately this last one I put out was froze solid. It was -12f the night I got it and -26F when I put it out. I do believe it being whole is atleast part of my problem.

I let the eagles and ravens do the work of getting down to the meat. On occasion in the past I have opened up the animal if it isn't froze. But does not seem to make the predators come in any quicker. I really believe the birds are the con
fidence builders for the predators.They can smell that the birds were there eating because of their droppings. I'm thinking the fluffy 14 plus inches of snow is making it difficult for the predators to get around out in the open areas by me.Dreamer
finally, I just shot a three legged coyote.He could of cared less about the light when I turned it on.its been a slow slow would think with two to three feet of snow and steady below zero they would be all over bait but out of three baits this is the only one being hit.The 17 rem. did its job although this one ran 20 yards.I had a history with this three legged one and was very happy to get her.

Congrats J.Mark.

I have shot two 3-legged ones over the years. One was called and the other was feeding on a dead calf.

At least you got some action. It's slow, slow, slow here.
boy I can't believe it's this i dead on this forum everybody must be having just a terrible year this year.I had coyote tracks 250 yards from bait but it did not check it out. Hopefully when we get warm enough weather to settle and pack the snow the predators will travel further. Dreamer
I finally have some coyotes on my bait. I got some on video the last couple of nights. Just as I suspected they are coming in around 2:30 am and stealing a few bites then coming back 10 mins later for more.

click on photo for video
Is it possible the thousands of bait sites this baiting forum has spawned has wised up coyotes? After baiting of deer became the norm around here deer became very nocturnal and mature bucks rarely hit a bait even at night.I talked to a guy the other day who said he and his boys were making baitcicles in 5 gal pails.Thier telling all there friends who are telling all there friends.Coyotes are just as smart as deer if not more so.Coyotes also have a bigger territory than deer,5 or 6 square miles so they could be wised up by a number of bait sites.I have had about 200 lbs, of meat in one spot since the first week of december that has not been touched once.This has never happened before and were having a tough winter besides.What do you think?
very good questions mark. I agree with you totally. I still don't understand why the birds aren't hitting my bait.
Are you having the same problem also? Dreamer

I guess it's possible. I can't understand why so many who bait are not having much success this year. Even those guys who call coyotes don't seem to be doing as well in general.

Maybe there's just so much pressure on them now due to all the predator hunting that's going on these days.
don't forget that the weather we have all been having is not normal either and I think this has more of an impact on them than we realize.

I do have crows but not as many as other years.With almost no road kill deer anymore I wonder if they migrated away.I have one site with no birds,only a black squirrel that chews on the meat.I trapped 5 coyotes within a mile of one bait and the three legged coyote was the only one that came to bait.Its a weird year for sure.The first year I baited, I killed 5 coyotes, 2 grey fox and a coon.The next year only one.I think they get wary of a killing site.
I took five coyotes off my bait sight when I started in November and now I haven't seen a thing in about three weeks. I'm wondering if I've gotten rid of all the coyotes in the area. I can still hear coyotes off in the distance. Any ideas on how to get them to come in? Calling seems to have not effect. My goal for 2014 is to take a coyote of my bait site with my revolver, my bow and my muzzleloader. What's the longest you guys have gone without seeing anything?
The one thing I have noticed is that this year we been getting a 2"-3" snow then a day or two a couple more inches and it has not been crusting over. So its making it harder for them to get around IDK!
Slow here also. Killed a grey and one mangy red fox. No coyote visits at all. There are however two groups in my area, we hear them sound off to each other. Not a track in the snow in 3 weeks around the carcass.
Calling also has been slow. these dogs are very educated 'round here!!!
Originally Posted By: dreamervery good questions mark. I agree with you totally. I still don't understand why the birds aren't hitting my bait.
Are you having the same problem also? Dreamer
I have been hunting coyotes on several deer yards in Eastern and Northern Maine. I placed a bait on a small lake it was eaten in 3 days so I put out my shooting shack and another bait. Gone in 3 days. Lots of coyote tracks and ravens/crows. So I put out more bait with a wireless sensor so while I am hunting at night the alarm wakes me to shoot the coyote. After placing the sensor 20' from the bait the bait never got touched by anything for 8 days. Even the crows/ravins would not go near the bait with the sensor near by. I have not had this happen when the bait is in the woods but out in the open it spooks them as they dont understand it.
Many experts say coyotes can see IR so that would explain why my cameras spook them as well.
It has been extremely quiet here. I presently have the most bait I have at out all year --and-- in 2 sites. the main site had some tracks checking the bait last week and also a pair of tracks about 80 yards away another day. i know they are around but not like they were. i also pulled my camera for a while, i was not sure it was working... checked it out and the camera is fine. also the crows are way way down been getting a few here and there but nothing like i was. the second site that i was getting fisher cat and fox at has been dead quiet.... only track around it are fresh snowshoe rabbit tracks. not sure what is going on .. i think it has more to do do with the mating season than anything else. we went out calling last weekend 2 sets - first set called one in -- no shot hung up in brush and was right in line with decoy afraid to move and spook it. tracks in our area are generally on the light side right now.
Well my bait finally got hit last week. The big roadkill buck had been chewed on Wednesday when I checked it. I put out 3 beaver carcasses and then it snowed 14" the next day. Checked it today and they had been back. Windblown on the mountain but I could see where they were digging. Put out 2 more beaver so hopefully tomorrow is the day I break the ice for this winter. I missed one last week while hound hunting.
I have only seen one coyote since the end of November, that was on the road to camp, nothing at bait sites period, they are there just when I am not. Been calling also and so far no takers.