Well-known member
Nice going Scalloper. That is indeed a reminder, as DoubleUp mentioned, of how brutal nature is sometimes.
Cozwurth, it has been slow here all fall and winter. Like you, possums and to a lesser degree, buzzards, have robbed my bait. Currently I'm having a fit with crows and hawks. I do get an occasional red fox and a gray fox coming, though they don't visit every night. Coyotes here seem to be scarce at the moment, though I did find fresh tracks on the farm yesterday. They were around the bait site too, but neither camera got videos for some reason. A skunk has also appeared a couple of times, as well as a bobcat. I have had dogs show up too on a couple of occasions, something I don't like. Seems once they get started coming, they keep on coming.
As DoubleUp mentioned, it seems this season is par for the course. Generally every winter is slow for me, but begins to pick up in February and March. Hopefully I will begin to score some soon. It's been a very long winter of wait, bait and rebait, and hope.