And So Goes the Crisis on the Southern Border****UPDATED 23 OCTOBER 2024

So reading all this it seems like the Biden policy to help the situation at the border is to be able to process them into the country faster.
Originally Posted By: tnshootistSo reading all this it seems like the Biden policy to help the situation at the border is to be able to process them into the country faster.

So it would seem. Throwing the border open is insane, and is responsible for spreading the virus, not only here on the border, but infected aliens are being flown/bussed north as fast as they can "process" them.

Cameron county just released latest Covid infection stats:

New Cases: 240 (had been down to 30-50)
New Resident Cases: 110
New Alien Cases: 130

Population in Cameron County: 406,220
Resident new infections: 110 = .0003 (up over 50%!)

And, Hidalgo county was reporting over 600 new cases/day last week.

Laredo mayor reported having only one Covid bed available last week in his city of 236,091!

Houston Texas has only 46 ICU beds availble and most hospitals in the state are reporting shortage of nurses.

If this is not a crisis, I don't know what is, yet this administration makes no effort to slow down the flow.

I've heard the estimated number of illegals infected with Covid in the RGV recently to have been as high as 40%.

Immigration & Border Security
Over 800 Unaccompanied Children Crossing Border Illegally Apprehended in One Day

By Tom Ozimek
August 7, 2021 Updated: August 7, 2021

Border agents on Wednesday took into custody 834 unaccompanied children illegally crossing the southern border, marking the highest daily total recorded since the Biden administration started releasing such data in March.

The data, which was first reported by the Washington Examiner, came on the heels of preliminary Department of Homeland Security (DHS) figures indicating July border crossings by unaccompanied minors would hit an all-time high.

Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle have been critical of the Biden administration for setting policies that they say are fueling the border surge.

The report drew a critical comment from Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), who wrote in a tweet: “Biden’s open border policy is a disaster.”

Members of the Biden administration have pushed back on the claim that their policies are what’s driving the trend, blaming seasonal factors, unaddressed “root causes” in home countries that drive people to flee their homes, and what DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said was a “dismantled” Trump-era immigration system that’s hindering the response to the crisis.

Wednesday’s single-day apprehension record came just days after David Shahoulian, assistant secretary for border and immigration policy at DHS, estimated in court filings that more than 19,000 unaccompanied children were encountered along the southern border in July, a new all-time high.

While the figures are preliminary and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has yet to include the official July tally in its encounters database, the number Shahoulian cited exceeds the previous peak of 18,877 children crossing the border without parents or legal guardians in March.

Unaccompanied children are exempt from a policy known as Title 42 that allows government workers to immediately expel anyone caught crossing the border illegally without a hearing as a measure to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

The Biden administration continues to expel single adults and family units under Title 42 authority, which was used to expel 104,907 people in June alone.

On Monday, the Biden administration extended the Title 42 order, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announcing that the measure would remain in place “until the CDC Director determines that the danger of further introduction of COVID-19 into the United States from covered noncitizens has ceased to be a serious danger to the public health.”

It comes as the rate at which individuals taken into custody after crossing the border illegally are testing positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, has “increased significantly” in recent weeks, according to DHS officials.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


Illegal immigrants wait to be magistrated on trespassing charges in Kinney County outside the Sheriffs Office in Brackettville, Texas, on Aug. 6, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

Texas State Troopers Ramp Up Arrests of Illegal Alien Trespassers

By Charlotte Cuthbertson
August 9, 2021 Updated: August 10, 2021

BRACKETTVILLE, Texas—Texas State Troopers have started delivering van-loads of illegal aliens to the Kinney County Sheriff’s Office to be charged with criminal trespass.

The parking lot, and an old steel picnic table under a tree outside the sheriff’s office, have become a proxy booking center as the building is more suited for the crimes of a quiet, rural county of 3,600 residents.

But last week the area was bustling as troopers brought in and processed 17 illegal aliens on Aug. 3, another 17 on Aug. 6, and 13 more overnight on Aug. 8. All were males and all were magistrated by the Kinney County justice of the peace for criminal trespass after being arrested on local ranches.

On June 1, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued a disaster declaration and on June 10 he directed state troopers to start arresting illegal aliens on charges including trespass, criminal mischief and evading on foot. But the jails were full and it took almost two months to make space and for the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to work out the process.

It’s somewhat complicated for Kinney County as it only has 14 jail spaces that are perpetually full. So the aliens get booked and appear before a judge in Kinney County, then taken to a tent facility in neighboring Val Verde County. From Val Verde, troopers transport them 100 miles away to the Briscoe Unit in Dilley, Texas, which has been repurposed to detain almost 1,000 illegal aliens who are waiting for their court cases and serving out their sentences.
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Kinney County Justice of the Peace Narce Villarreal (R) magistrates a group of illegal immigrants from Mexico as they’re charged for criminal trespass on a local ranch, at the Kinney County Sheriff’s Office in Brackettville, Texas, on Aug. 8, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

Kinney County Sheriff Brad Coe said he wants to stick illegal immigrants with any charges he can, so that it might deter them from coming to his county, but he’s had to wait until the state was ready to help provide the infrastructure to do it.

“We’re going to try to hold these people accountable,” Coe said. He hopes the convictions might be a roadblock for illegal aliens if they ever try to file for some type of assistance or become a U.S. citizen.

“That’d be a check mark against them,” he said. “Some type of consequence has to be there.”

Kinney County Attorney Brent Smith is preparing to take up the slew of new trespass cases, with whatever he can’t handle to be picked up by the Texas Attorney General’s office.

“DPS has been working hard on conducting more ground operations on the ranches in Kinney County … where probably 80 percent of the illegal trafficking is occurring,” Smith said.

“They’re having some success in their arrests, but are very limited in the manpower they can deploy on the ground.”

Most of the troopers are deployed on the roadways, and while they’ve curbed the number of vehicle pursuits and smuggling events, it has pushed more foot traffic onto ranches.
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A Texas State Trooper and the Kinney County Constable arrest the Honduran driver (on ground) and passenger (right) of a stolen truck in Kinney County, Texas, on July 21, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

Frustration High

Texans living near the U.S.–Mexico border are growing increasingly frustrated with the surge in illegal crossings, human smuggling, vehicle theft, property damage, and threats from illegal aliens trespassing on their property.

Most of the illegal aliens passing through Kinney County are adult males who have crossed the border in the Del Rio Border Patrol Sector—usually into the small cities of Del Rio or Eagle Pass.

In July, almost 10,000 illegal aliens evaded Border Patrol in the Del Rio Sector, according to preliminary Customs and Border Protection (CBP) numbers released by Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) on Aug. 2. Many of them pass through Kinney County on their way to larger cities.

“I’ve never seen it quite like this,” Coe told The Epoch Times.

He said in the past six months, illegal aliens that get past Border Patrol in the Del Rio, Texas, area are walking through ranches, destroying fences and water pipes, leaving water faucets on, and breaking into homes and vehicles.

“We’ve always had a fence cut here, fence cut there, because they’re hauling dope or small kids or something,” he said. “But we’ve never seen the intentional big four-by-four holes in the fence, or now, a 10-foot section just cut completely out. That’s really starting to bother me.”

The number of illegal aliens getting caught and charged is tiny compared to the number passing through, but county leadership says it has to do something.
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Border Patrol agents and State Troopers catch six Hondurans, including an 8-year-old boy, in Kinney County, Texas, on July 21, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

The Cubans evading Border Patrol and coming through Kinney County are a new phenomenon, said Coe, who was a Border Patrol agent in the area for 31 years before becoming sheriff. He said he hasn’t seen a Cuban influx in the county for at least 35 years.

Until recently, the vast majority of Cubans crossing the border illegally have been turning themselves over to Border Patrol at the common crossing pathways into Del Rio and Eagle Pass.

Kinney County shares 16 miles of international border with Mexico and the land is owned by one rancher. State Troopers and local jail staff took about 2 hours to complete the paperwork and magistrate six Cubans who were arrested after crossing the Rio Grande onto that ranch late on Aug. 7.

The Cubans, all male, expressed surprise at being arrested on criminal charges—they had been told they’d simply be processed by Border Patrol and then cut loose into the United States to travel to their destination (five to Florida and one to Las Vegas).

All of the six had left Cuba at least 2 years ago and had been living in South America before traveling up to the U.S.–Mexico border.

Several talked about the difficult trek through the Darian jungle between Colombia and Panama.

One man said he saw 9 dead bodies in the six days he was walking—some who had been executed and others who had succumbed to the harsh conditions. He and another man both said they had been robbed at gunpoint in the jungle.
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Texas State Troopers complete paperwork after arresting illegal immigrants from Cuba for criminal trespass on a local ranch, at the Kinney County Sheriff’s Office in Brackettville, Texas, on Aug. 8, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

The seven Mexicans had been walking for two days before being caught on a ranch.

Two said they had already tried crossing a month ago, but got caught by Border Patrol and expelled. Another man, who said he was aiming to get to New York, said this was his third time trying to get through. He said his cousin was going to pay the $4,000 smuggling fee upon his delivery to New York.

Several said they’ll probably try again, while others weren’t so enthusiastic. They all said a “travel agent” on the Mexican side of the border directed them where to cross, gave directions of where to walk, and was going to coordinate a vehicle pick-up for them.

After a misdemeanor arrest, Smith examines the evidence in the case file from the sheriff’s office. If it’s determined that trespass occurred, he’ll charge the individual with trespassing, which is a Class B misdemeanor. The charge is elevated if the individual has a deadly weapon or is found more than 100 feet past the property line on agricultural land.

Once charged, the suspect will make a plea, and if they plead guilty, they’ll most likely get time served and be turned over to Border Patrol.

It’s not a hefty penalty, but Coe and Smith say it gets illegal aliens into the system and gives them a record.

“We’re hoping they avoid our county,” Smith said.

“The only realistic solution to this crisis will require deploying all of the Texas military on the border and actually prevent the illegal entries from occurring. Right now, it’s like trying to build a dam after the flood gates have already been opened.”

During July, more than 205,000 illegal aliens were apprehended along the whole southern border, according to preliminary CBP numbers. It’s an increase over the previous months this year and a 20-year high.
Based on the cross section of illegals encountered at the southern "border", better include Swahili, all South and Central American dialects, Ukranian, and several middle eastern dialects.
And be prepared to address all variants of Covid from these various locations, and that doesn't count the estimated 25% of "getaways" reported by CBP from wherever and infected with whatever. What the he!! are our "leaders" thinkin'?
YES hm, what the He!! are they thinking, there is NO WAY that this should be happening during normal times let alone during a worldwide pandemic crisis.
They are now more focused on Sturgis being a super spreader than what's happening at the border, unbelievable!
Last edited:
To put the Covid infection rate in perspective, Cameron county reported the 24 hour new infection rate on this date (14 August 2021) to have been 319 (Daily infection rate had been down to double digits in July).
Numbers were further broken down indicating that 175 of these new cases were resident and 144 were aliens. Population of Cameron county is 406,220. Number of illegal aliens is, of course unknown.


A group crosses a road on the way to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, with the intention of entering the United States, in a file photograph. (Omar Torres/AFP via Getty Images)

40 Percent of Illegal Immigrants Released in Texas City Tested Positive for COVID-19: Officials

By Zachary Stieber
August 12, 2021 Updated: August 12, 2021

Four in 10 illegal immigrants released in a Texas city near the U.S.–Mexico border last week tested positive for COVID-19, city officials said.

“That was very high,” Laredo Mayor Pete Saenz told The Washington Examiner.

Laredo Health Authority Dr. Victor Trevino confirmed the numbers with the newspaper.

Officials in Laredo, located across the Rio Grande from Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, didn’t respond to requests for comment by press time. However, they offered a similar positivity percentage in a federal lawsuit filed last month.

Officials said in the complaint that Customs and Border Protection officials have been releasing immigrants in the city, despite a large number of them testing positive for the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, which causes the disease COVID-19.

The surge in illegal immigrants crossing the border amid the COVID-19 pandemic presents a safety concern, Republican lawmakers and others have argued.

“Americans are sick and tired of endless mandates while watching COVID-19 cases surge at the border,” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) wrote on Twitter this week.

While the Laredo case numbers are the highest recorded along the border, officials in McAllen, Texas, said last week that of the 7,000 immigrants released by federal officers into McAllen the week before, 1,500 of them have tested positive for COVID-19.

“Lately, we’ve been getting about 1,800 immigrants a day,” McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos said in a video arguing against unchecked immigration. “Then, coupled with the fact that 15 percent of the immigrants have COVID, has caused substantial problems to our great city of McAllen.”

Don McLaughlin, the mayor of Uvalde, Texas, told The Epoch Times this week that immigrants are probably responsible for 15 to 20 percent of COVID-19 cases in the community, citing the most recent survey completed by officials in the border city.

“The COVID deal is getting really serious again and really bad. And again, here we are on the southern border. ‘Just come on in.’ I mean, it just doesn’t make sense,” he said.
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A Border Patrol agent handcuffs illegal aliens together after they jumped off a train and tried to evade apprehension near Uvalde, Texas, on June 21, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

A Border Patrol agent who declined to be named in order to avoid repercussions told The Epoch Times that the agency was pushing many immigrants to Laredo, which triggered a lawsuit from the city against the Biden administration.

Laredo officials said in the complaint that Border Patrol planned to bus 250 to 350 immigrants per day into the city.

“Not every apprehended person is tested for COVID-19 as part of Defendants’ processing procedure before they are legally released from immigration custody and into the general public. Therefore, many, if not most, go untested and risk spreading the disease to other in their group and the general public after their release,” the filing reads.

Of 139 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Laredo as of July 11, 63 were among immigrants or detainees.

A Customs and Border Protection (CBP) spokesperson didn’t answer directly last month when asked about COVID-19-positive immigrants being released in La Joya, Texas—another border city.

On Aug. 12, a CBP spokesperson told The Epoch Times via email that “the border is not open” and that the agency is operating under Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for the pandemic.

“CBP is making every effort to remain within CDC guidelines and mitigate long periods of processing and holding to minimize potential exposure to our workforce, those in custody, and the community. Once processing is complete, these individuals will be expeditiously transferred out of CBP custody,” the spokesperson said.

The lawsuit was dismissed on Aug. 9 after the parties reached an agreement.

Saenz told outlets that the agreement includes a provision that the city won’t be accepting immigrants who have been dropped off by Border Patrol. Instead, the city is hiring a charter bus company to immediately bus them to other cities, including Austin and Houston.

“We entered into an understanding that we would drop the lawsuit, which we did, and then Border Patrol would deliver these migrants, about 200 or so per day, to a city facility that we leased and then we, in turn, as a city, retained a bussing company to transport these migrants farther north here in Texas,” Saenz told Border Report.

Charlotte Cuthbertson contributed to this report.
Biden Wants to Cut Funding for ‘Border Security Assets and Infrastructure’ by 96%

Terence Jeffrey / @TerryJeffrey / August 04, 2021


If president Biden gets his way, the federal government will not spend one penny in 2022 on planning or constructing a "physical barrier system" at the border. Pictured: A border fence stands along the U.S.-Mexico border. (Photo: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg/Getty Images)

Commentary By
Portrait of Terence Jeffrey

Terence P. Jeffrey is the editor in chief of

President Joe Biden has now revealed there is at least one area in which he is a fiscal conservative: When it comes to providing the infrastructure needed to secure the border, he wants to spend far less than the government currently spends.

His administration has presented Congress with a Department of Homeland Security budget proposal that calls for slashing spending on what it calls “Border Security Assets and Infrastructure” by 96%.

In fiscal year 2021, Congress approved $1,513,000,000 in funding for border security assets and infrastructure. Biden is now asking that Congress approve just $54,315,000 for fiscal year 2022. That is a reduction of $1,458,685,000—or 96.4%.

What exactly is Biden cutting?

Biden’s DHS has presented Congress with a 562-page “overview” of its fiscal year 2022 budget proposal for Customs and Border Protection. The explanation for its “Border Security Assets and Infrastructure” plan is presented on pages 326 through 350 of this document.

The presentation divides “Border Security Assets and Infrastructure” into six categories: Integrated Fixed Towers; Remote Video Surveillance Systems; Mobile Video Surveillance System; MVSS-M2S2 Modular Mobile Surveillance System; Border Security Assets and Infrastructure End Items; and Border Wall System Program.

In the past two fiscal years—as reported in Biden’s proposal—the Border Wall System Program has been the most significant of these. “This investment,” it says, “includes real estate and environmental planning, land acquisition, wall system design, construction, and construction and oversight of a physical barrier system.”

In fiscal year 2020, it received $1,375,000,000. In fiscal year 2021, it received the same amount.

Now, if Biden gets his way, the federal government will not spend one penny in fiscal year 2022 on planning or constructing a “physical barrier system” at the border.

“Integrated Fixed Towers” are the next item in DHS’ budget proposal for border security. “This investment,” according to the proposal, “provides automated, persistent wide-area surveillance for the detection, tracking, identification and classification of illegal entries in threat areas where mobile surveillance systems are not a viable and/or long-term solution.”

How much does Biden want for this piece of infrastructure? Nothing.

In fiscal year 2020, Congress approved $1,142,000 for these towers. This fiscal year, it approved nothing. Biden wants to make sure it approves nothing again.

“Remote Video Surveillance Systems” are the next item in DHS’ budget proposal for border security. “This investment,” says the proposal, “consists of permanently mounted remotely controlled systems of daylight or infrared cameras, which enhance situational awareness of border activity and facilitate proper law enforcement resolution.”

How much does Biden want for this piece of infrastructure? Nothing.

In fiscal year 2020, Congress approved $40,740,000 for these surveillance systems. This fiscal year, it approved nothing. Biden wants to make sure it approves nothing again.

“Mobile Video Surveillance System” is the next item. “This investment consists of sensor equipment mounted on a telescoping mast of a light-duty pickup truck,” the proposal says. “MVSS can be rapidly deployed to provide the best visual range for surveillance of several miles and provide situational awareness to the [United States Border Patrol].”

In fiscal year 2020, Congress approved $14,800,000 for these systems. This year, it approved nothing. Biden wants nothing again.

“MVSS-M2S2 Modular Mobile Surveillance System” is the next item. The proposal explains that the “M2S2” is “the successor to the MVSS investment” and “consists of Non-Developmental Items (NDI)/Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) surveillance systems based on a light truck, with radar and camera sensors, and backhaul communications capability.”

This year, Congress approved $15,000,000 for this system. How much does Biden want for it in the coming fiscal year? Nothing.

Finally, there are the “Border Security Assets and Infrastructure End Items.” “These procurements,” the proposal says, “include funding for multiple technologies and assets for the [United States Border Patrol].” Congress approved $77,106,000 for these in fiscal year 2020 and $123,000,000 in fiscal year 2021.

Biden wants $54,315,000 for fiscal year 2022.

Indeed, that $54,315,000 for this one category equals all of the money Biden is requesting for “Border Security Assets and Infrastructure” in fiscal year 2022.

At the same time, Biden is calling for $655,000,000 to fund “construction modernization” of CBP’s “land ports of entry,” where people come to the United States legally.

Yes, Biden wants to cut $1,458,685,000 from federal spending on border security assets and infrastructure aimed at stopping illegal border crossers while increasing spending by $655,000,000 on formal ports of entry.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas discussed his department’s budget request in the Senate Homeland Security Committee last week.

“First, the president’s budget invests in a secure border,” Mayorkas claimed. “It directs $1.2 billion toward more effective and modern port and border security, including a $655 million investment toward modernizing our land ports of entry, another $47 million to integrate Customs and Border Protection detection capabilities and robust investments in border surveillance technology.”

“There is no request for additional border wall construction,” Mayorkas said.

Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio—the committee’s ranking member—expressed incredulity at the Biden administration’s proposal.

“You’re not providing yourself with the tools you need to be able to allow the Border Patrol to do their job,” Portman said.

He is right. Biden will not secure the border.


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Loose Canons
The Biggest ‘Super-Spreader’ Event: Biden’s Weak Border

Illegals on the southern border and COVID go hand in hand.

by Jed Babbin
August 2, 2021, 12:30 AM


A Border Patrol agent takes two Mexican men who crossed the Rio Grande River illegally near a section of border wall just before dawn into custody on May 26, 2021. (Shutterstock/Vic Hinterlang)

If you aren’t confused and maybe a bit angered by all the COVID-related gobbledygook coming out of the Biden administration lately, you haven’t been paying attention.

The CDC has issued “guidance” that says even vaccinated people should start wearing masks indoors again, based on the fact that out of 161 million vaccinated Americans, just over six thousand have been hospitalized as a result of COVID. If you do the simple calculation, that means only 0.0038 percent of those vaccinated were hospitalized with COVID, odds lower than your chance of being hit by lightning.

The CDC also recommended that masks be worn by everyone — students and teachers alike — in K-12 schools. Good luck keeping masks on 6 or 7-year-old boys.

Meanwhile, Biden has ordered all federal civilian employees and contractors to either be vaccinated or to wear masks and get tested for the virus a couple of times a week. He would have ordered all military personnel to get vaccinated, but the law apparently prevents that because the vaccines are only approved for emergency use. Nevertheless, Biden ordered the Pentagon to determine “how and when” the COVID vaccine would be added to the list of required vaccines for members of the armed forces.

On Friday, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told Fox News that the surge in “Delta variant” cases in the southern U.S. wasn’t because of the enormous influx of illegal aliens. Walensky said:

“So as people come in, we are keeping migrants, as well as those communities, as safe as possible with the technical assistance and infection prevention guidelines from the CDC. . . . I would say that the percentages in the southern part of this country are really quite high. I don’t necessarily think we can attribute all of that to what’s going on at the southern border.”

Of course she doesn’t think so. Saying that the high infection rates along the border are the result of Biden’s permissible border policy is not allowed for anyone who, like Walensky, is a member of Biden’s political team.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott can’t make Texans immune to the COVID virus, but he’s working hard to make them immune to the worst ideas coming out of the Biden administration. Abbott is trying to complete the part of the Trump wall that is along Texas’ border with Mexico. Meanwhile, President Biden is reportedly spending more than $2 billion to terminate the government’s contracts to build the Trump border wall.

Last week, Abbott issued an executive order aimed at illegal immigrants who are infected with COVID. It prohibits the ground transportation of illegal migrants released from U.S. Border Patrol custody “who pose a risk of carrying Covid-19 into Texas communities.” In a Wednesday statement, Abbott said, “The dramatic rise in unlawful border crossings has also led to a dramatic rise in COVID-19 cases among unlawful migrants who have made their way into our state, and we must do more to protect Texans from this virus and reduce the burden on our communities.”

The order means that Texas law enforcement personnel can stop and turn back private cars, trucks, and buses carrying illegal aliens. Biden can’t allow anything to interfere with the tide of illegals coming in, so Attorney General Merrick Garland (who, but for Mitch McConnell, would be on the Supreme Court) sued on Friday to get a restraining order against enforcement of Abbott’s policy.

Abbott’s orders and policies are his attempt to protect Texans against the biggest “super-spreader” event: Biden’s unsecured border, which enables illegal aliens to come into the U.S., some or many of whom are infected with COVID.

Abbott has good reason to worry about COVID-infected illegals entering Texas. In the border town of La Joya, Texas, police reportedly responded to a complaint that people exhibiting COVID symptoms were eating in a local burger joint. The people, who turned out to be illegal immigrants, said that they were infected with COVID. The police discovered that the feds had released them.

We don’t know how many illegal immigrants are infected or have been tested, but what is clear is that regardless of proven infections, those who are caught by the Border Patrol are quickly shuffled off to other U.S. towns and cities across the nation.

Contrast that with other Biden administration policies. For example, every U.S. citizen who visits another country is required to prove that they tested negative for the virus within 72 hours before their return flight. If they can’t present a negative test, they aren’t allowed to fly back.

The Biden administration maintains visa blockades against travelers from about three dozen countries, including most of Europe. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has said no Cuban refugees will be admitted even if they come on small boats to Florida. (As I noted last week, the Cubans might become Republicans, which is reason enough for Mayorkas to prohibit their entry.)

But our border with Mexico is open to anyone from anywhere (except Cuba) whether or not they are infected with COVID. That is a greater danger to public health than anyone could imagine, far more significant than those who refuse to wear masks or get the vaccine.

Biden’s unenforced border policy is the worst and biggest “super-spreader” policy in the history of COVID. It is contrary to science, public safety, and common sense.

I have a daughter that is a nurse and she said people are dropping like flies. She knows of 7 people who passed away within 6 minutes of each other and 5 were fully vaccinated. So the vaccine is good for what ? Population control.
Has anyone else noticed that the majority of illegal aliens seem to be relocated to the red states rather than blue? Couldn't have anything to do with changing voter base could it? Naaah, of course not.


Migrants hoping to reach the U.S. border walk alongside a highway in Chiquimula, Guatemala, on Jan. 16, 2021. (Sandra Sebastian/AP Photo)

Gov. DeSantis Demands Biden Administration Cease Resettlement of Illegals in Florida

By Jannis Falkenstern
August 29, 2021 Updated: August 29, 2021

PUNTA GORDA, Fla. – On Thursday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sent a letter to the Biden Administration demanding transparency and that they cease sending “illegal aliens” to Florida.

“President [Joe] Biden, Vice President [Kamala] Harris, and their administration have refused to fulfill their responsibility to enforce immigration laws enacted by Congress and the resulting influx of unvetted illegal aliens endangers our national security and undermines the socioeconomic wellbeing of hardworking American citizens,” DeSantis said in a written statement. “Unfortunately, even though the federal government is responsible for immigration enforcement, it is the states who bear the brunt of this administration’s reckless immigration policies.”

In the letter (pdf) to Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, the Republican governor wrote that he wanted an end to the mass resettlements of illegal aliens” into the United States. DeSantis also urged the Department of Homeland Security to provide more transparency when it comes to the resettling of illegals in Florida and to give advance notice to “state leadership” before illegals are resettled into the state. He called the Biden administration’s border policies “disastrous” and gave a deadline of September 30, 2021, to give the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) a long list of information and data before sending more illegals into the state.

DeSantis’ letter requested that the Biden administration disclose the following information to FDLE:

the number of illegal aliens resettled in Florida;
the names and destination of the illegal aliens;
the number of illegal aliens resettled in Florida who were tested for COVID-19 and the results of such tests;
the identities of illegal aliens who have criminal records and who have previously entered the U.S. illegally; and
the number and identity of illegal aliens resettled in Florida who have failed to appear for their removal proceedings.

The letter went on to accuse the Biden administration of operating its own human smuggling operation.

“My office has received information indicating that ICE, sometimes with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has chartered flights transporting illegal alien adults and children to Florida,” the governor wrote. “Given the overall lack of transparency, I am concerned that the federal government is running its own massive human smuggling operation, surreptitiously resettling illegal aliens in the various states without consultation or even advance notice to state leadership.”

The governor wrote that this practice is “intolerable and unacceptable.”

DeSantis wrote that he knows “firsthand” about the border crisis as he visited the border and deployed law enforcement officers to aid Texas law enforcement and border patrol agents with the surge of migrants attempting to cross the border.

“I have been to the border, and I observed firsthand the chaos that this administration’s policies have created,” DeSantis said. To fill the void left by the federal government, Florida deployed its own law enforcement officers to the border.”

After speaking with law enforcement officers who were deployed to the border to aid Texas law enforcement, DeSantis said they have told him that many of the migrants that were apprehended at the border said they plan to come to Florida.

“Floridians welcome responsible immigration that serves the interests of our citizens, but we cannot abide the lawlessness that this administration is aiding and abetting, and frankly encouraging, on the southwest border,” DeSantis said.

Law enforcement officials, according to the governor’s office said that most of the migrants indicated their final stops were going to be larger Florida cities such as Kissimmee, Orlando, Miami, Hialeah, and Jacksonville.

In April 2021, DeSantis had written to Mayorkas’s office requesting that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) remove all illegal alien felons who had completed their prison sentences in Florida. The governor said in his current letter that he has seen “no action” to enforce the federal immigration laws.

DeSantis wrote that it was his opinion that DHS was resettling large numbers of illegal aliens who have “no lawful status under federal immigration law from the southwest border to Florida.”

He wrote: “The Constitution charges the President with the duty to faithfully execute the laws, and with respect to immigration enforcement, the federal government, with the Supreme Court’s blessing, has assumed near exclusive responsibility. Unfortunately, President Biden and this administration refuse to fulfill their responsibility to enforce the immigration laws enacted by Congress.”

DeSantis said in his letter that the “Remain in Mexico” program that was administered under the Trump Administration was ultimately replaced with “catch and release” by the Biden administration, which he attributes to the massive influx of migrants.

“The administration’s reversal or weakening of the prior administration’s enforcement policies had amounted to an open invitation for mass illegal migration the United States, and the results have been predictably catastrophic,” DeSantis wrote. “Since this administration took office, the number of illegal aliens encountered at the southwest border has skyrocketed, increasing each month at an unrelenting pace.”

When Biden took office in January the number of border encounters was 78,417. In one month that number increased to 101,098; 173,283 in March; 178,797 in April; 180,569 in May; 188,934 in June and 212,672 in July according to figures from U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This puts a total number of encounters for the fiscal year to be approximately 1.3 million. In the last year of the Trump administration the total number of encounters was 458,088.

The governor ended his letter with doubts that the federal government would comply with his request and reminded the secretary that it was the states who were “saddled” with the costs of having illegals in their states. Also, he said that massive illegal immigration increases the spread of COVID-19 and will consume taxpayer money and overload government services including the education system.

“Although I seek an immediate end to the resettlement of illegal aliens in Florida, at the very least, DHS should provide the requested information in the interest of greater transparency,” DeSantis wrote. “The State of Florida is entitled to this information to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its people.”

Efforts to obtain a response from the White House were made with no response.
As if the dimocrats cannot flood the country with illegal aliens, oops, sorry, forgot that this was an illegal, there I go again, unacceptable phrase......start over!

As if the dimocrats cannot flood the country with prospective dimocrat voters fast enough, there are very serious issues with the vetting of the Afganitan refugees being brought into the US and other nations.

Now don't get me wrong. We owe those who fought alongside our troops all those years and their families who are in dire danger if left in the hands of the Taliban......but, coming from a failed country known to spawn terrorists, there is NO room for even one mistake in vetting these folks.

At least one refugee who is on the "No Fly List" was flown to Germany in the evacuation airlift. Can we trust the current powers that be to prevent every potential terrorist that may be embedded in this botched Dunkirk style evacuation? I certainly hope so, but have my doubts. God help us.

Video @ link:

"Refugee Resettlement Is Big Mon...g Americans
WOW!! Illegal Immigration has dropped from 212,000 in July to ONLY 208,000 in August.....or has it, maybe it just shifted a bit farther west.


FIRST ON FOX: The number of migrants, predominantly from Haiti, waiting under the International Bridge in Del Rio, Texas has doubled to more than 8,000 in a single day, with sources telling Fox News that the situation is "out of control" and Border Patrol is overwhelmed.

Fox News drone footage shows ... Patrol.

On Wednesday, the numbers were more than 4,000 but by Thursday morning that number had spiked to approximately 8,200, a source told Fox. A source told Fox that Border Patrol was overwhelmed and that the situation is "out of control."

Meanwhile, a law enforcement source said that a large majority of the migrants are Haitians and more are arriving at the bridge by the minute.


It is the latest scene of chaos at the border as the Biden administration continues to struggle to handle a continued and relentless migrant surge, which has overwhelmed authorities and led to Republican claims that the administration’s immigration policies are to blame.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced Wednesday that there were 208,887 migrant encounters in August, a slight decline from the 212,000 encounters in July and the second month in a row where the number of encounters breached the 200,000 mark. Fox News first reported the numbers.

Of those encounters, 44% resulted in an expulsion under Title 42 public health protections, but just 19% of the more than 86,000 family unit encounters ended in a Title 42 expulsion.

The 208,887 number for August represents a 317% increase over last August 2020 which saw 50,014 encounters — and a 233% increase over August 2019, where there were 62,707 amid that year's border crisis.

The Biden administration has blamed the Trump administration for sealing off legal pathways to asylum, while pushing a strategy that includes a strong focus on tackling root causes like violence, corruption and poverty in Central America.

Republicans have blamed the Biden administration’s rollback of Trump-era policies like border wall construction and the Migrant Protection Protocols. Republicans immediately pointed to the footage as proof that the Biden strategy is not working.

"The Biden Border Crisis continues to spiral out of control," tweeted Rep. Yvette Herrell, R-N.M.

Meanwhile the Biden administration has begun to fly those expelled via Title 42 deeper into Mexico amid concerns that migrants are making multiple attempts to cross the border.

It was also recently dealt a legal defeat when the Supreme Court refused to stay an order forcing it to reinstate the Migrant Protection Protocols.
Last night FAA declared a no-fly zone over Del Rio international bridge to prevent FOX News from flying their drone to film the 10,500 illegals gathered under the bridge reported in the evening of 16 Sept. 2021. The number has been estimated to be well over 11,000 this morning with hundreds walking across the Rio Grande from Villa Acuna, Mexico.


According to FOX News report this AM, CBP declared that they are no longer in control of the border @ Del Rio, having been overwhelmed by sheer numbers.


McCarthy Calls for National Guard to Help Cope With Del Rio Illegal Immigrant Surge

By Tom Ozimek
September 18, 2021 Updated: September 18, 2021

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has urged President Joe Biden to deploy the National Guard to help deal with the illegal immigrant surge along the southern border, insisting the situation is a national security crisis and blaming the Biden administration for a “failed response.”

McCarthy made the remarks in a Sept. 17 statement that came as thousands of illegal immigrants, mostly from Haiti, were congregating under the Del Rio International Bridge in Texas while they await processing by Border Patrol.

“The Biden Administration must recognize this for what it is: A National Security Crisis. As such he must fully deploy the National Guard to the southern border to help our Border Patrol agents with more resources to control the situation,” the Republican leader said.

“Recently, over 10,000 migrants have surged to the border in Del Rio. It is no coincidence this is happening as Democrats in Congress are moving to pass legislation that would grant immediate citizenship for up to 10 million illegal immigrants. This is a wakeup call to Democrats that their policies are putting American lives in danger and must be abandoned,” McCarthy said.

Epoch Times Photo

Thousands of illegal immigrants amassing in Del Rio, Texas, on Sept. 16, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

The number of individuals gathering at the Del Rio bridge has skyrocketed in less a week, from only a couple of hundred on Sept. 9 to around 9,000 by Sept. 16, according to Val Verde County Sheriff Joe Frank Martinez. Del Rio Mayor Bruno Lozano confirmed that another 20,000 are on their way.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who on Thursday traveled to the border, called the scenes at the Del Rio bridge “the most horrific thing I’ve ever seen.”

“There are right now, as we’re speaking, there are 10,503 people under that bridge. It is packed in as a mass of humanity,” Cruz said. “They take your breath away because it just goes on and on and on—infants, little children, people struggling enormously.”

Cruz, too, blamed the Biden administration for the situation and called for deportation flights to Haiti to resume.

“It’s a political decision that Joe Biden could end tonight by simply following the law and saying we’re going to send people back to Haiti, which is what federal immigration law requires,” Cruz said.

The Biden administration paused deportation flights to Haiti after a 7.2 magnitude earthquake devastated the country on Aug. 14. There has been media speculation that the Biden administration was working on plans to start deporting people back to Haiti, though these reports remain without official confirmation. The Associated Press cited anonymous administration officials as saying that deportation flights were to resume next week, while NBC News cited internal documents to that effect.

More than 50 Democrat lawmakers urged Biden in a Sept. 16 letter (PDF) to extend the deportation pause indefinitely “for noncitizens who pose no threats to public safety or national security.”

The mayor of Del Rio said that it’s not clear who the illegal immigrants are and that he is concerned about security.

“I’m deeply frustrated. The thing that I worry about is a stampede. The thing I worry about is terrorism,” Lozano said, adding, “We don’t really know who they are.”

The United States recorded more than 208,000 illegal immigrant arrests at the border in August, one of the highest months on record. Under the Biden administration, the country is on pace to set records for the highest number of fiscal year and calendar year encounters.

Charlotte Cuthbertson and Zachary Stieber contributed to this report.