And So Goes the Crisis on the Southern Border****UPDATED 23 OCTOBER 2024

Aw, c'mon Kamala, we understand your desperate attempt(s) to deflect criticism of your total absence at the scene of the worst failure of border security in decades, as well as the timing of your trip to El Paso.

"and I haven't been to Europe"

But, rather than bury your head in the west Texas sand in the safest place along the Texas border for your emergency rush deflection trip to "the border", why not go to the real border where you can witness what is really going on down here, or at the very least, at least read the (true) reports* of those who have?

Statistics prove that due to the border wall and policies of the previous administration, El Paso is enjoying the very lowest incursion rate of any point along the 1254 miles of international border, far overshadowed by the Del Rio and Rio Grande Valley.

*[size:17pt]542 Percent Increase in Convicted Sex Offenders Arrested at Border

By Charlotte Cuthbertson
June 27, 2021 Updated: June 29, 2021

DEL RIO, Texas—Border Patrol agents have arrested 353 illegal aliens with sex-related criminal convictions so far this fiscal year. A large number of the detainees had prior convictions for crimes involving a minor.

In the same period in fiscal 2020, agents apprehended 55 criminal sex offenders, and 58 total in all of fiscal 2019.

The number of criminals illegally crossing the southwest border has spiked in tandem with the border crossing surge this year. Convicted criminals are the most likely population of illegal aliens trying to avoid capture by Border Patrol.

Border Patrol has detected more than 250,000 illegal aliens who have evaded capture so far this year, according to the newly-appointed Acting Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz on June 24. It’s impossible to estimate how many have evaded Border Patrol without detection.

“There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t read a paper or a report from my agents that talks about criminal aliens, sexual offenders that they’ve apprehended out there,” Ortiz said during an event in Del Rio, Texas.

“Those folks aren’t getting released in these communities. Guess what happens to them? They go to jail. When they get out of jail, they go back to their country of origin.”

According to reports by Customs and Border Protection (CBP), many of the criminals being caught have already been deported, sometimes on multiple occasions.

On June 24, agents in Rio Grande City, Texas, arrested convicted sex offender, Benito Gomez-Lopez, from Mexico. Gomez-Lopez was arrested in May 2020 by the Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department in North Dakota for possession of certain prohibited materials and promoting a sexual performance by a minor, according to CBP.

He pleaded guilty to both counts and was sentenced to three years confinement, but was repatriated to Mexico in July 2020.

On June 14, a Peruvian child rapist was arrested by Border Patrol after he entered the United States illegally near Roma, Texas, according to CBP. Pedro Asuncion ORE-Quispe, 43, had been deported in 2020 after serving over five years for felony rape of a child in Idaho.

On June 20, Mexican national Isidro Efrain Gallardo-Rangel was apprehended as part of a group of 24 illegal aliens near Laredo. Gallardo-Rangel is a registered sex offender with an extensive criminal history and a conviction for indecency with a child in 2018 in Dallas, Texas, according to CBP.


Once a relatively quiet region for illegal border crossings, the Del Rio Sector in Texas is now the second busiest, after the Rio Grande Valley in south Texas.

“We’ve seen a tremendous increase. So far this year, this fiscal year, today, we’ve caught 144,000 people in the Del Rio sector,” said sector chief Austin Skero on June 24.

“We’ve gone through this before—we’ve seen these increases, these surges, for the last 30 or 40 years. It’s never been this bad. I’ll tell you that straight up, I’ve never seen it this bad.”

Skero said the sector has seen a 1,400 percent increase in the number of sex offenders arrested by Border Patrol agents.

A Del Rio resident said that prior to January he had seen two illegal aliens pass through his backyard.

Now, he said, it’s hundreds a day.

“I have four daughters—does it concern me when you say there’s a 1,400 percent increase in sex offenders? Yes, it concerns me,” the resident said during a border update on June 24.

“I’m concerned about the single men who are running through my backyard, sneaking. And I’m about a 50 percent success rate on whether or not I get an agent to come out to my place when I call. And when they do, it’s awesome, they bring helicopters, they bring support.

“Otherwise, I’m sitting there unarmed and there’s a guy soaking wet in my backyard screaming at me in Spanish. I don’t know what to do with this guy.”

The resident asked Border Patrol if they could provide some type of training to citizens to prepare them for such encounters.

Skero suggested for residents to not engage with illegal aliens who are on their property and to call Border Patrol.

“We’re going to come just as soon as we can. Sometimes it will be immediate, sometimes it might take us an hour.”

But, he said, if an illegal immigrant is endangering a resident’s family, or is being assaultive, call 911.


At the behest of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) started surging extra law enforcement resources to the border beginning in March.

In the three months from March 4 through June 3, DPS has arrested 1,489 criminals.

In addition, State Troopers have been involved in 340 vehicle pursuits along the border and have dealt with 630 vehicle bailouts. A bailout occurs when a vehicle being pulled by law enforcement stops and the illegal immigrant occupants scatter and flee to avoid capture.

Abbott issued a state of disaster declaration on June 10, highlighting 34 border counties that are struggling with cross-border crime and illegal immigration.

“We’re going to start making arrests, sending a message to anyone thinking about coming here: You’re not getting a free pass. You’re getting a straight pass to a jail cell,” Abbott said.

Last week a prison unit in Dilley, Texas, was being emptied in preparation for illegal alien criminals.

Abbott and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey also issued a call for help to other governors on June 10.

“With your help, we can apprehend more of these perpetrators of state and federal crimes, before they can cause problems in your state,” Abbott and Ducey, both Republicans, wrote in a letter.

So far, several Republican governors have pledged support by way of sending law enforcement personnel or National Guard troops.

Follow Charlotte on Twitter: @charlottecuthbo
Follow Charlotte on Parler: @charlottecuthbo


Immigration & Border Security
South Dakota, Iowa to Send Law Enforcement Officers to Southern Border

By Mimi Nguyen Ly
June 29, 2021 Updated: June 29, 2021

The Republican governors of South Dakota and Iowa said in recent announcements they will be sending law enforcement personnel to the U.S.–Mexico border. It comes after the governors of Texas and Arizona asked all other states to help with the ongoing border crisis by providing additional manpower.

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem said late Monday that 50 South Dakota National Guard troops will be sent to the southern border.

“Tomorrow morning I’m officially announcing up to 50 National Guard troops to Texas to help secure our border,” Noem announced on Twitter. “The Biden administration has failed to keep America safe. We shouldn’t be making our own communities vulnerable by sending police to fix Biden’s border crisis.”

Noem’s announcement comes several days after the office of Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds announced that Iowa State Patrol officers will be deployed to help with border security efforts. The move was in response to a June 10 request from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey for more law enforcement manpower.

South Dakota and Iowa now join Florida, Nebraska, and Idaho in committing to send law enforcement to the southern border to help Texas and Arizona.

Abbott and Ducey wrote in their letter, “With your help, we can apprehend more of these perpetrators of state and federal crimes, before they can cause problems in your state.” The letter asserted that under a mutual agreement between states, the Emergency Management Assistance Compact, any officers that states send to Texas or Arizona will be given “the same power … duties, rights, and privileges as are afforded forces of the state in which they are performing emergency services,” which will “include the power to arrest migrants who illegally cross the border into our territory.”

“My first responsibility is to the health and safety of Iowans and the humanitarian crisis at our nation’s southern border is affecting all 50 states,” Reynolds said in a statement on June 24.

“The rise in drugs, human trafficking, and violent crime has become unsustainable. Iowa has no choice but to act, and it’s why I am honoring Texas’s Emergency Management Assistance Compact following assurances from the Iowa Department of Public Safety that it will not compromise our ability to provide all necessary public safety services to Iowans.”

The Iowa governor’s office on June 24 noted that there has been a marked increase in drug trafficking seizures in the state, in particular of methamphetamine and fentanyl, since May last year.

“In Iowa, law enforcement officials are recovering drugs, illegal narcotics, and weapons being smuggled across the nation’s southern border by drug cartels,” the office announced.

Reynolds’s office also acknowledged that the Iowa National Guard is currently carrying out a mission with 24 soldiers from Unit 2/34 IBCT to help law enforcement at the southern border. The mission was in response to a request from the federal government under the Trump administration in October 2020.

According to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, there were 180,034 border crossings in May—the largest number in two decades.
Follow Mimi on Twitter: @MimiNguyenLy


Kinney County Constable Steve Gallegos and Kinney County Sheriff’s deputies arrest a smuggler and seven illegal aliens from Guatemala near Brackettville, Texas, on May 25, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

Immigration & Border Security

Fewer Smugglers Detained as Small Border Counties Run Out of Jail Space

By Charlotte Cuthbertson
June 30, 2021 Updated: June 30, 2021

BRACKETTVILLE, Texas—Law enforcement authorities are releasing human smugglers with a citation rather than arresting them as counties struggle with a critical shortage in jail space.

Small counties aren’t set up for the overwhelming increase in cross-border crime, and smugglers who are here illegally are often passed to Border Patrol to be repatriated without being charged.

The jail in Kinney County, Texas, holds a maximum of 14 people, but the sheriff tries to hold two spaces open for “something violent, or something out of the ordinary.”

Sheriff Brad Coe said he has 12 inmates in his jail right now, as well as another six being housed in the neighboring Val Verde County jail. Ten of the 18 are in jail for the smuggling of illegal aliens.

Coe said jail space is the biggest problem in small counties dealing with the border crisis.

A Kinney County deputy pulled over a woman on May 24 who had a warrant out for her arrest and was driving without a license. The deputy was forced to let her go because the jail doesn’t accommodate females.

Coe said the result is that “the scouts are females [and] the drivers are starting to be female.”

On June 25, law enforcement gave Border Patrol custody of a driver who was allegedly smuggling nine illegal immigrants, because the Kinney County jail was full. The driver, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, also had an active arrest warrant out for driving while intoxicated in San Antonio.

Border Patrol agents on the scene confirmed that they would most likely return the man back across the border without charging him with smuggling.

Frustrated by the lack of federal charges, a Texas State Trooper filed state charges against the driver so there would be an arrest warrant out for him for felony smuggling the next time he’s caught in the United States.

As law enforcement pursued the driver during the initial traffic stop, the driver stopped the vehicle and all of the occupants fled across the road, climbed a game fence onto a ranch, and attempted to evade arrest. Officers retrieved the driver and three illegal immigrants. Six others remained at large.

As the driver and the three illegal immigrants from Mexico were being detained, the ranch owner drove past and said he wanted them charged with trespassing on his land, a misdemeanor. But a full jail prevented charges from being laid. Instead, Border Patrol took custody to process the migrants and return them to Mexico.

Coe said he wants to stick illegal immigrants with any charges he can, so that it might deter them from coming to his county, but he doesn’t have the infrastructure to do it.

Neighboring Uvalde County Sheriff Ruben Nolasco has the same issues, especially with the spike in human smuggling in his county. Law enforcement is catching at least two loaded smuggling vehicles per day through Uvalde.

“It’s getting to the point that it’s filling up my jail. So that’s becoming a problem,” Nolasco told The Epoch Times.

If the jail is full, the smugglers will be processed and given a court date with the “hope that they’ll come back,” he said.

“You have a 12-ounce glass, you can only put 12 ounces of content in it. … It’s going to fill up and then you’re going to have an overflow, you’re going to have a mess, and that’s what’s happening right now—it’s a mess.”
State Assistance

Illegal border apprehensions hit 180,034 in May, a 21-year monthly high, according to Customs and Border Protection statistics. So far this fiscal year, Border Patrol has apprehended almost half a million illegal aliens entering the state of Texas from Mexico.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued a state disaster declaration on June 1, and on June 10, he said state resources will be deployed to enforce “all federal and state criminal laws such as criminal trespassing, smuggling, and human trafficking.”

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) didn’t comment on whether the plan was to prioritize charging illegal aliens on private land, or just anyone they came into contact with, including those being smuggled in vehicles.

DPS Troopers have been involved in 413 vehicle pursuits along the Texas–Mexico border from March through June 24, DPS press secretary Ericka Miller told The Epoch Times.

DPS recently emptied the Briscoe Unit prison facility in Dilley, Texas, in preparation for the incarceration of illegal aliens arrested under state law. It’s a male-only unit with a capacity of 1,384 beds.

“It was determined that the Briscoe Unit was in a strategic location to house those arrested for committing a crime along the border and had adequate staffing to run the facility,” Abbott’s press secretary, Renae Eze, said in a statement on June 18.

The Texas Department of Criminal Justice told The Epoch Times on June 28 that no illegal immigrants had been placed in the facility yet.

May 29 BORDER VIDEO: US citizen caught smuggling 7 Guatemalans in Kinney Co., Texas. Two in the trunk. Had borrowed the car from a family member.

Coe said the facility in Dilley—almost 100 miles away—isn’t a practical solution for his county, as the transport back and forth is prohibitive with his limited resources.

“And even at that facility that will hold, say, 1,000 people, if everybody on the border’s doing it, then that facility’s going to fill up over a weekend. And then what?” he said.

Coe said if he had the guards, he’d set up tent space next to his detention facility to house more criminals. But he already has two jailer jobs open and lamented how low the wages are. “My head jailer, who’s been here 25 years, she makes $14 per hour.”

On June 25, Abbott issued a statewide call for jailers across the state to assist border sheriffs with operating detention facilities and providing jail beds for those arrested on state charges related to the border crisis.

Coe is hoping he can tap into some state resources to alleviate his jail space issue, but it’s not as immediate as he’d like.

The other bottleneck, he said, is that the district judge only hears felony cases coming out of Kinney County once per month.

Follow Charlotte on Twitter: @charlottecuthbo
Follow Charlotte on Parler: @charlottecuthbo
Should set up a court under a tree and have speedy trials. Offenders could be sentenced to labor of sixty or more days.
Could let them build the wall.
Can't get 'em up north fast enough by bus/commercial aircraft, but never fear, where there is a will, there is a way.

Quote:Border Patrol Apprehends 188,829 Illegal Immigrants in June
At a rate of 188,829 per month + 250,000 (every 6 months) estimated "getaways" that will give us a grand total of over 2 3/4 million in just 12 months!


A group of Venezuelans wait to be picked up by Border Patrol after illegally crossing the Rio Grande from Mexico into Del Rio, Texas, on June 3, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

Immigration & Border Security

Border Patrol Apprehends 188,829 Illegal Immigrants in June

By Charlotte Cuthbertson
July 16, 2021 Updated: July 16, 2021

Border Patrol agents have continued to apprehend an increasing number of illegal aliens each month this year, and June was no different.

Agents apprehended 188,829 people illegally crossing the border in June, up from 180,034 in May, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP). It averages out to 6,294 apprehensions a day for June.

The number of illegal aliens who were detected by Border Patrol but evaded capture isn’t released, but Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz said on June 24 that the number had exceeded 250,000 so far this fiscal year.

The number who are not detected and not captured is impossible to estimate.

Along with the increase in crossings, more illegal immigrants are dying of heat-related exposure, dehydration, and drowning. Water is scarce, it’s not hard to get lost, and smugglers will leave illegal immigrants behind if they’re slow or injured.

In June, 109 bodies were recovered by Border Patrol, up from 61 in May, according to numbers obtained from CBP by Jaeson Jones, host of “Tripwires and Triggers.” That brings the total for fiscal 2021 to 321 bodies recovered by Border Patrol, with three months to go.

The main change to the current border flow is expected after July 21, if Title 42 is revoked, which is largely seen as the remaining tool holding back the floodgates.

Title 42 allows for Border Patrol to turn back illegal border crossers almost immediately, rather than be placed in ICE custody for a more protracted process through deportation proceedings under Title 8.

“When we do lose Title 42, the number of people that were previously being expelled are going to have to be processed under Title 8, and we’re going to be spending more time with them,” Texas’s Del Rio Sector Chief Austin Skero told The Epoch Times on July 15.

“So that is going to be … increasing the amount of time that our agents are processing and decreasing the amount of time that our agents can be in the field.”

Currently, single, Spanish-speaking adults and some families are still subject to Title 42 and are turned back to Mexico. Once it’s lifted, border facilities are likely to be quickly overwhelmed.

In some border sectors, particularly the Rio Grande Valley in south Texas, the Border Patrol facilities have been so overwhelmed that many individuals weren’t released with the common Notice to Appear document that states a date and time to appear in court. Rather, they received a Notice to Report, which is an honor system that requires the person to check in at their closest ICE facility within 60 days.

“Title 42 is absolutely critical,” Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director Tae Johnson said during a congressional hearing on May 13.

“There’s certainly some gaps in our ability to track” illegal immigrants after they’re released, Johnson said.

Under the agency’s narrowed criteria for priority removal, most of those who abscond won’t be a priority for ICE to track down unless they commit an aggravated felony.

ICE had around 55,000 detention beds in 2019; however the capacity was reduced to 30,000 beds in the fiscal 2021 appropriations package.

Epoch Times Photo
Graph of border apprehensions depicts fiscal year 2021 numbers by the blue line. (CBP)


Newly appointed Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz said the main focus for the agency is to increase the ability to process illegal immigrants faster.

“It includes speeding up the process so we’re not bogged down in these communities,” Ortiz said in Del Rio on June 24.

He said a quicker electronic system to process aliens will be rolled out in about 90 days. “[Agents] should be able to do everything on a tablet, they sign it, you move on,” he said.

Skero told The Epoch Times that a soft-sided, 500-person processing tent had been erected in Eagle Pass to help mitigate the anticipated increase.

“One of the difficulties that we have here in the sector is managing the flow of people that are coming, managing detention and the processing, and the distribution,” Skero said.Border Patrol Apprehends 188,829 Illegal Immigrants in June

“And then trying to use whatever resources we have left to get after the folks who are getting away from us, the folks who don’t want to give up, who don’t want to surrender. That’s where the criminal element is really alive and well.”

“But the reality is, even now, we don’t have enough people.”

Follow Charlotte on Twitter: @charlottecuthbo
Follow Charlotte on Parler: @charlottecuthbo
Quote:Currently, single, Spanish-speaking adults and some families are still subject to Title 42 and are turned back to Mexico. Once it’s lifted, border facilities are likely to be quickly overwhelmed.

im pretty sure we've already well surpassed the definition of "overwhelmed"

just sayin.
Man, ya got that right, Plant!

In the month of June, nearly 189,000 (see article below) illegals were apprehended on the US southern border by authorities. That does not include an approximate 25% estimated "getaways" (illegals spotted in person or on security cameras, but which managed to evade capture. At that rate we will wind up with around 2,250,000 illegals apprehended in the 12 month fiscal year not counting the "getaways". Del Rio sector alone is apprehending 900 per day for a whopping nearly 329,000 per year!

One report stated that Covid was up exponentially, in those tested and only family units were being tested. News reel showed large groups of illegals which had just been processed at the border where they were given orders to report to a judge wherever they went for asylum processing (yeah, right, compliance is very low, so don't hold your breaty), a bus voucher and some report an $1800 cash card, sent to an NGO half way house where they were given an opportunity to shower and then escorted to the bus station next door to travel wherever they wish.

Rep. Gosar's bill is a start, but has about the same chance as a snowcone in.....well, never mind.

Rep. Paul Gosar Sponsors Bill to Ban All Immigration Into US for 10 Years

By Tom Ozimek
July 24, 2021 Updated: July 25, 2021

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) on July 23 announced he’s sponsoring a bill that would put a 10-year freeze on all immigration into the United States, arguing that the pause is needed to help stem the current surge in illegal border crossings.

“We can’t have legal immigration when we have rampant illegal alien invaders. This is a threat to our national security and our economy and to our citizens,” Gosar said in a statement announcing HR 4643, a proposal that seeks “to prohibit the admission of aliens to the United States for 10 years” from the date of its potential enactment.

The backdrop for Gosar’s initiative is the border surge, with federal immigration officials recently announcing that they had apprehended 188,829 people illegally crossing the southwest border in June, up from 180,034 in May. The figure includes more than 15,000 unaccompanied minors, over 55,000 family units, and more than 117,000 single adults.

Gosar blamed the spike in illegal border crossings on President Joe Biden, accusing the Biden administration of “ignoring and actively assisting the violation of our federal laws,” claiming that it has “literally and figuratively opened the gates and is waving hundreds of thousands of criminals into our country.”

Since taking office, Biden has reversed a number of border and asylum policies implemented by the Trump administration, including overturning the Migrant Protection Protocols, which required asylum-seekers to wait in Mexico while their claims were processed. Biden has also proposed an immigration bill that would provide a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants living in the United States.

Many Republicans and some analysts have blamed Biden’s rollback of Trump-era policies for fueling the border surge, arguing that stricter rules around border security and asylum admissions serve to deter would-be illegal immigrants from trying to enter the United States.

“With the destruction of President Trump’s solid immigration enforcement, and current disregard and violation of existing federal law, Mr. Biden has unleashed the most severe border and humanitarian crisis in United States history,” Gosar stated.
Epoch Times Photo

A group of illegal immigrants is processed by Border Patrol after crossing the U.S.–Mexico border in La Joya, Texas, on April 10, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

Biden and members of his administration have rejected the notion that his policies are fueling a surge in illegal immigration. They also dispute the characterization of the problem as a “crisis,” instead calling it a “challenge” that they insist the administration is working to tackle, by way of a multi-pronged approach that puts a strong emphasis on addressing the root causes of emigration.

Biden said in a Feb. 2 executive order on establishing a “comprehensive regional framework” to manage migration in Central and North America: “The United States is also a country with borders and with laws that must be enforced. Securing our borders does not require us to ignore the humanity of those who seek to cross them. The opposite is true. We cannot solve the humanitarian crisis at our border without addressing the violence, instability, and lack of opportunity that compel so many people to flee their homes.”

Vice President Kamala Harris, whom Biden tasked with leading the effort to tackle the issue of illegal immigration, visited the border on June 25, after weeks of criticism from Republicans for not doing so. While there, she reiterated the administration’s view on the need to address the factors driving people to leave their homes.

“The work that we have to do is the work of addressing the root causes, otherwise we’ll continue to see the effect, what is happening at the border,” Harris said. “It’s going to require, as we have been doing, a comprehensive approach that acknowledges each piece of this.”

Immigration has been a weak spot for Biden, with a poll by The Associated Press–NORC Center for Public Affairs Research in May showing that 54 percent of Americans disapproved of his handling of the issue.
Follow Tom on Twitter: @OZImekTOM
And they try to blame the recent upsurge in china virus cases on those who are unvaccinated.

Could shipping unvaccinated people from several different countries all over the US have anything to do with the virus increase. Are they getting vaccinated before release?

Do their kids get the childhood vaccinations' before entering school here?

I don't know much about people but if you have sick cattle and just keep adding sick cattle to the herd you will lose the whole herd before it's over.
Originally Posted By: tnshootistAnd they try to blame the recent upsurge in china virus cases on those who are unvaccinated.

Could shipping unvaccinated people from several different countries all over the US have anything to do with the virus increase. Are they getting vaccinated before release?

Do their kids get the childhood vaccinations' before entering school here?

I don't know much about people but if you have sick cattle and just keep adding sick cattle to the herd you will lose the whole herd before it's over.

Not sure if still in effect, but S. Tx. was under a cattle tick quarantine recently; even cattle had to be quarantined and declared free of tick fever before traveling out of the area.

And then there's this:


Biden Administration Spending $3 Million a Day to Suspend Border Wall Construction: Senate Report

By Zachary Stieber
July 26, 2021 Updated: July 26, 2021

President Joe Biden’s attempts to suspend or end border wall construction are costing taxpayers $3 million a day, with an estimated price tag of at least $1.8 billion, according to a new report authored by Senate Republicans.

Biden on the day he was sworn in ordered his administration to halt construction and review whether to resume it. The halt was supposed to be for 60 days. Over 180 days later, no indication has been given on the results of the review and whether construction will resume.

As the pause continues, Republicans discovered the suspension initially cost $6 million a day, an amount that was later reduced to $3 million a day after Department of Defense contractors carried out layoffs.

They cited records obtained from the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, including estimates provided by the Pentagon in court filings.

“The Biden Administration is paying contractors at least $3 million per day to guard steel, concrete, and other materials in the desert. At the same time, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has encountered over 1.1 million migrants along the Southwest border this fiscal year—a 20 year high. This policy decision raises significant concerns about the Biden Administration’s immigration agenda and requires both Congressional oversight and legislative action,” the senators wrote in the newly released interim report.

The number of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border has skyrocketed since Biden took office and altered or reversed key Trump-era immigration policies, such as border wall construction.

“It is absolutely absurd that Americans are paying contractors to guard metal gates that President Biden refuses to install because he wants to ‘study’ the wall,” said Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), ranking member on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Government Operations and Border Management, in a statement. “Stubbornly refusing to spend money approved for the wall is not ‘executing’ the law. It’s ignoring the law and ignoring the very real national security concerns posed by illegal entry across our very open southern border.”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Senators who produced the report estimated the administration has spent between $618 and $708 million to the contractors between Jan. 20 and July 15, and will ultimately spend up to $1.2 billion more to exit the border wall projects.

Former President Donald Trump’s administration prioritized border wall construction, building 453 miles of fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border. Approximately 211 miles of fencing were under construction as of Jan. 8, just before Biden entered office.

Trump allocated roughly $16.4 billion to border wall construction and maintenance, with $10 billion coming from the Pentagon.

Some of the funded projects were canceled earlier this year. Others were canceled this month. Some are still being reviewed.
Follow Zachary on Twitter: @zackstieber
Follow Zachary on Parler: @zackstieber
And they wonder why covid is once more on the rise? C'mon, man!

Texas Border Town Police Find Migrants ‘Sick with COVID’ at Whataburger


LA JOYA, TEXAS - JUNE 21: La Joya police escort immigrants to border patrol after they crossed the Rio Grande into the U.S. on June 21, 2021 in La Joya, Texas. A surge of mostly Central American immigrants crossing into the United States has challenged U.S. immigration agencies along the …
Brandon Bell/Getty Images

Ildefonso Ortiz and Brandon Darby27 Jul 2021244

A border city police department warned residents about groups of migrants with COVID-19 being released by Border Patrol into their community.

According to a statement from La Joya Police Department, on Monday afternoon authorities responded to a Whataburger restaurant where a concerned citizen told them about a group of people who were not observing health guidelines, maskless, and were coughing and sneezing without covering themselves. Inside, the manager told police that he wanted the people in question to leave.

When authorities spoke with the group, they learned they were migrants who had been apprehended and released by Border Patrol. According to the statement from La Joya Police, the migrants said they were “released because they were sick with COVID-19.”

The migrants had been staying at a local hotel which was completely booked by Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley to house migrants. Inside the hotel, authorities found between 20 to 30 migrants not wearing masks or observing any quarantine measures. According to police, the charity did not inform authorities that they would be releasing migrants with Coronavirus. La Joya Police also contacted the Hidalgo County Health and Human Services Department to assist with the incidents.

In their statement, the police department warned resident to wear masks and observe other health practices to avoid exposure to the virus.

Ildefonso Ortiz is an award-winning journalist with Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Brandon Darby and senior Breitbart management. You can follow him on Twitter and on Facebook. He can be contacted at

Brandon Darby is the managing director and editor-in-chief of Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Ildefonso Ortiz and senior Breitbart management. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. He can be contacted at


Border Patrol detains a group of 298 illegal aliens in La Grulla, Texas, on July 17, 2021. (CBP)

Immigration & Border Security

Border Patrol Apprehends 20,000 Illegal Aliens in 1 Week in Busiest Sector

By Charlotte Cuthbertson
July 26, 2021 Updated: July 26, 2021

South Texas’s Rio Grande Valley has been the busiest border sector for illegal alien crossings for years. But last week a sudden spike in numbers saw Border Patrol apprehend more than 20,000 illegal immigrants in one week.

“It’s the hottest part of the summer and apprehensions are skyrocketing!” Border Patrol Chief for the sector Brian Hastings wrote on Twitter on July 25.

Hastings said the number of large groups has increased, with a record-breaking 298 in one group encountered in La Grulla last week.

“Within this group, a subject exhibiting COVID-19 related symptoms was transported to the hospital. At the hospital, the migrant tested positive for COVID-19,” a press release from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) stated.

The most recent large groups have mostly contained citizens from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Venezuela, and Nicaragua, according to CBP.

Border Patrol processing facilities in the region are once again overwhelmed and illegal immigrants are staying overnight on buses outside the facilities due to overcrowding, according to a source in the Rio Grande Valley.

Epoch Times Photo

A group of more than 350 illegal immigrants wait for Border Patrol after crossing the Rio Grande from Mexico into Del Rio, Texas, on July 25, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

In the Del Rio Sector, which has become the second-busiest for Border Patrol apprehensions, illegal immigrants are sleeping outside between the Rio Grande and the border fence as the agency struggles to find transport and space to put them.

On the morning of July 25, agents were dealing with around 350 illegal immigrants who had crossed within the last 18 hours—mostly Haitians, but also Cubans, Colombians, and a couple from Ghana.

Several Haitians told The Epoch Times they had arrived across the river at 3 p.m. the day prior and slept outside while waiting for transport. A couple from Ghana said they crossed at 3 a.m. and slept in a nearby tree-covered area.

Meanwhile, between the two sectors, in the city of Laredo—where busloads of illegal immigrants from the Rio Grande Valley are being sent—officials have sued the Biden administration to stop the transport of more illegal immigrants into the city.

Laredo officials say in the complaint that they were recently advised that Border Patrol intends to double the number of illegal immigrants brought to Laredo from the Rio Grande Valley—from about 150 individuals to 300 per day.

By June, Border Patrol had apprehended more than 1 million illegal immigrants along the almost 2,000-mile southwest border. Each month this year has seen an increase in apprehensions, with no sign of it dropping off as the focus from headquarters is on speeding up the processing.

Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz said in late June that agents had detected, but not captured, a further 250,000 illegal immigrants so far this fiscal year.

Title 42—which is the public health emergency measure allowing Border Patrol to quickly turn back to Mexico some single adults—is largely seen as the remaining vestige of border control. The measure is expected to be removed imminently and Border Patrol is bracing for an even bigger influx as single adults would then need to be placed through a much longer process under Title 8 immigration proceedings and likely many will be released into the United States.

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My sister-in-law says this is just conservative propaganda. She gets all her news from CNN.
You can choose your friends but you can't choose your family.
send the snipers out and youll make the coyote's get real nervous about even approaching the boarder in short time lol