The second season opened up here in NM on the 25th. That morning I was ready having rucked in 2.5 miles the previous evening and prepared for a three day stay at 9000ft. Called all the first day but with hounds running things all over the valley below me nothing came in.
Day two I woke up to backward winds (rain coming in) and after rethinking the plan I made my first call about a mile away. I had seen a nice 6 x 6 the night before there on the walk back to the sleeping bag. Side slope of the hill, mixture of pines and scrub oaks, with the wind coming cross slope.
I set up in the thick with an opening and a trail 75 yards downwind. The first series was about 6 minutes long on the open reed. Blew a second series of ten, 5 minutes later. Just after that I spotted him right in front of me down in the thick. Got the gun on him but couldn't tell what part I was aiming at in between all the trees so I held off. He slowly worked his way downwind circling me (love it when a plan comes together)and getting closer to the open area. He presented a nice, 75 yard broadside shot a minute later.
I walked the 5 miles back to the truck, got the sled, drove closer, walked back in (up I should say), and hauled him out 2 miles. All this took 10 hours.
Smaller in weight (75 lbs less)than the last one but surprisingly only an inch shorter(6"1") and 3 inches wider (6'10") across the front paws. I think the lack of body weight (225) was due to bad teeth.