Zero Coyotes, but good night


Well-known member
Went out two nights this weekend. Heard plenty of coyotes, but could not call them in. I did witness a few firsts though.

The first stand Saturday night. I went out to a local farm hoping that they had cut the corn, but they had not. Well, I still wanted to try so I got set up on a short road that cuts through some pines between the corn fields. Just a few seconds into a rabbit call I had a medium size fox come right to the call. I see this fox just about every time I hunt this place and he is not scared of me. I messed with him for a few minutes then I heard something behind me so I turned around and there was another fox about ten yards from me. This one was a lot bigger and finally seen me so it jumped into the corn. It then worked it's way through the pines to the call. So I play with the these two foxes for a while then I figured I better try some coyote vocals. Usually foxes take off when I switch to vocals and the larger one did. The smaller one went crazy. It would run right up to the call then run off into the pines and circle over and over. This fox came within a few feet of me SEVERAL times. After about 45mins I got tired and packed up and left.

Sunday night I was towards the end of the set on another farm so I played a pup distress. About two minutes into the call a small bob cat stalked right up to the call 2 times and just sat a few feet from the call looking at it. After a few minutes it took off back into the woods. First time I ever had a cat come to a pup distress and our area is loaded with cats.
Only fox I’ve ever had mess with coyote vocals was female red fox. I don’t kill fox anymore, but back when I did it was always a female that would circle (sometimes several times) and come right to the caller.
We have had so much summer rain the corn crop is expected to be much lower yields. Farmers have said there is more grass and drown out spots in the corn. Timing evening hunts while the combines are running is tough, but usually successful as the combines move rabbits around. As the corn field gets harvested, rabbits move about staying in the standing corn. The coyote get very active moving around and in front of the combines, trying to catch rabbits. Cell phones have made contacting equipment operators much easier than sitting at the end of the field waiting to catch them unloading.
I've learned a lot from "dry" stands, just sitting and observing. Lots more stuff happens before the shot than after. :)

I don't shoot foxes anyway. The one fox, I have called it in probably 7-8 times since I picked up this farm. He will get literally just a few feet away from me. I am wondering if he visits some near by houses and has become kinda tame. Maybe he's just gotten so used to my call that he knows it's not a real coyote. The "new" one sure exited the building whenever the vocals started.
Only had one cat come into prey calls, but can’t count the ones that come into pup distress. Don’t know if they’re thinking meal or just curious, but it definitely works for all larger predators.
Only had one cat come into prey calls, but can’t count the ones that come into pup distress. Don’t know if they’re thinking meal or just curious, but it definitely works for all larger predators.
The way that cat belly crawled up to the call I'm sure it was thinking about a quick meal.
I don't shoot foxes anyway. The one fox, I have called it in probably 7-8 times since I picked up this farm. He will get literally just a few feet away from me. I am wondering if he visits some near by houses and has become kinda tame. Maybe he's just gotten so used to my call that he knows it's not a real coyote. The "new" one sure exited the building whenever the vocals started.

I don't shoot fox's here also.. because we just don't have any....LOL also I NEVER seen a fox in all the years I been night hunting around here. There used to be fox's running around here in my area years ago, and my wife grandma even had a pet fox. The coyote population is so dominant here in the OR. tuality and willamette valley area that I pretty sure that huge coyote numbers are the reason it a real rarity to see a fox around here.
Now we got Bob Cats, I see them in areas I night hunt, but I don't shoot them because I dont feel they need to be culled-out like the coyotes around here need to be.
Thurs I got a rabbit at ~85 yds. Old eggs by the feeder for bait. Fri night, 3 yotes at feeder. NO bait (rabbit gone Fri morn). Still can't get them, or wounding shot? Nothing around the next morning. 110vmax/300 BO, same distance. Why can't I hit big targets? Red X is 6" tall at 100 for this mag. Started to rain just after this shot so I packed up and left. Watched the vids(slo-mo), right on at bang.