🤬 $%×<!!!


Active member
Dag nabbit!!! 😡🤬😡🤬😡

Sorry guys. I didn't mean to dump on you all, but I am incredibly frustrated and had to let it out somewhere. LOL. I have called in 3 cats this year...........3! Which is 3 more than the amount of cat tags I drew this year! Knowing my luck..........that is probably 3 more than I would have called in, had I drawn a cat tag 🤣 Oh well. I guess there is always next year 🤷‍♂️😂
Ya need to start carrying a camera. Almost as good as a mount and costs a heck of a lot less. ;):)
I feel your pain....

I had a Wisconsin tag last year, and called it two.

Trouble was, both were at night, & night hunting is not legal here for cats.
Hopefully you draw a tag next year bowhunt. Patience is a virtue I struggle with as well.
Alf, have you tried calling those spots during the day? We are not allowed to night hunt bobcats in Michigan either. I'm gonna give it a try this season and hopefully I can call one in.
Hopefully you draw a tag next year bowhunt. Patience is a virtue I struggle with as well.
Alf, have you tried calling those spots during the day? We are not allowed to night hunt bobcats in Michigan either. I'm gonna give it a try this season and hopefully I can call one in.
Thanks Lazer. I am generally an extremely patient man.......as proven by the fact that 3 cats have come to the call and all 3 got to leave. 🤣 Definitely needed to suppress my inner Redneck 😂
I kinda know the feeling, I get a tag here in PA but our season is 3 weeks long. I usually call in between 8-12 each winter but only 3 of them have been during the season.
Alf, have you tried calling those spots during the day? We are not allowed to night hunt bobcats in Michigan either.
The last one I called in, it laid down in front of me & hung around for almost 1 1/2 hours. I got a kick out of watching him.

Finally had to start gathering up my stuff as I was getting cold, which finally got him on his way.

I didn't want to blow him out of there, because I was planning on calling during the day.

As it turned out, I'm getting soft, & didn't really feel like shooting one.
They are fun to watch. I've had them rush the call like coyotes, belly crawl all the way up to the call, just sit on their butts like dogs and study the area, etc.
When I first started turkey hunting I used a hen decoy. Thinking back, I believe a hen decoy and some yelps is probably one of the best daytime bobcat calling there is. I can’t tell you how many cats came in stalking the decoy.
I had one sneak in and jumped over it! I’m guessing he’d done it before and expected the hen to fly up.
I had another sneak in and got within feet of it and slap the fool out of the head/neck area. All the decoy did was spin on its stake. You’d think that would’ve clued that cat that something wasn’t right. Nope, ole boy tried another sneak from the rear and tried the grab the rear end this time and again it spun around on the stake. He wasn’t done though. He crouched down and laid there a good 5 minutes and snuck in until he was basically right underneath it. He didn’t attack this time, but just sat up and sniffed the beak and walked on off.