Wildlife Technologies Mighty Atom Laut

Nice thread bump! Just yesterday I gave Pat the 126 sounds I want for my laut and I’m ordering a moose dvd too. I’m really excited to try it out in the field. I’m gonna also the 2 calls at once like you, but with my foxpro prowler and the wt. was thinking about some combos like baby pig distress + crows fighting for food, or bear cub distress + some aggressive coyote howls
Well maybe someone can redesign the remote and make it accept some tt sounds and it would be the greatest caller on the market. Mine sounds incredible but I can’t see my sound list any more my eyes have gone to crap.
Gonna have to memorize them I guess. How many sounds do you use?
Bill passed away last year.
Rest in peace Bill. I really enjoyed his coyote dvd and would have loved to met the the man. As a former pro wrestling fan, I believe you need to get strong reactions from the audience. Whether you’re playing a good guy role or a bad guy. The worst thing is getting no reaction at all. I like those kinds of people.
I just make a cheat sheet of the calls I like to use in big print and laminate it.
There’s 120somthin on it.
do you still use it? Or you thinking about selling it? Would you honestly be better off with some new Tony Tebbe sounds you can actually use instead of the wt?

I gave Pat my word already so I’m not going back but I’m sure another poster on here might be willing
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Guys, on the left is my Coyote remote, with glow in the dark paint on the numbers, and black tape for partial exposure of the indicator light, with Velcro on the side, the right remote is my crow unit, as I use more calls for crows, I laminated the list to the back of it, both remotes have long neck lanyards so I can't lose them and a Velcro strip for securing to the base on my hunting jacket on the left side..

Guys, on the left is my Coyote remote, with glow in the dark paint on the numbers, and black tape for partial exposure of the indicator light, with Velcro on the side, the right remote is my crow unit, as I use more calls for crows, I laminated the list to the back of it, both remotes have long neck lanyards so I can't lose them and a Velcro strip for securing to the base on my hunting jacket on the left side..

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Very nice! That got me thinking to make a sleeve in behind the remote and have different laminated papers I can insert and remove depending on the animal I’m trying to call. A sleeve for bear calls, another for coyotes, another for moose etc.
Never used the WT remote, but ran a Minaska for a good many years. Solid performing caller. With Minaska’s “Bank” system, I set each bank up so that the #1 button was the same coaxer and the #9 button was the same pup distress in all banks. It was my way to have “presets” and quick access without thinking wherever I was in the remote library.
I've never felt the need to add anyone elses sounds to a caller, rearrange them on the Minaska to make a single bank my favorites. WT has the option to set up favorites.
All I’m saying is if they’d update the remote and make it user programmable it would be one of if not the best caller on the market. Two simple changes that could make it a top seller.
What kind of batteries do you guys recommend? On the website I read rechargeable nimh are best but somewhere I read they heated up in his laut and started a little fire in a sage bush for someone. Maybe I’ll follow AWS and just use AAs and screw the charger
Been great shane! Thank you for asking.

I don’t blame you for keeping a low profile,lol I’ve been doing the same
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