White hot or black hot

lately i / we have been using black hot. you get better detail.

BUT....some nights white hot works better. i think it depends on the humidity, only takes a few seconds to switch while getting set up.
I tend to default to white hot for scanning. I think I get better detection with white. I kind of let the conditions dictate and run whichever looks better or more detailed for shooting.
I scan with white hot but shoot with black hot. By and large white hot seems easier on the eyes. Black hot is like shooting silouettes and I find shot placement easier on the boldness of black.

Often when scanning I'll pop between white and black if there's a question about something in cover. Black hot reveals bits and pieces of animals hidden by brush and trees much better than white hot. FWIW I'm primarily utilizing Pulsar equipment.
Depends on the background - keep brightness down to avoid night blindness. I'm shooting against a tree line so white hot shows movement best for me. Fri nite, hunter moon, saw some white motion behind this tree line. Followed it for about 5 min, no shot or ID but could follow what I think was a hog by its movement and size. This is one of the 3 does I saw that nite.
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In the winter here in MN I run black hot nearly 100% of the time(weapon/shooting). For scanning I tend to change more often(want to find what's best for picking up movement. I mostly hunt winter(prime fur).
After running white hot for my first few months of thermal hunting, I switched to black and haven’t looked back. I just get more detail on black for some reason.
If I have specific hogs on camera and let’s say one’s a spotted sow or solid black or even a red, they show up for me on black hot and I want to shoot the sows first. Nothing like popping a pregnant sow and taking out 10-15 with that one shot.
What does everyone prefer white hot or black hot? Also why do you think one is better than the other.
I tend to cycle through the color pallets, depending on the weather usually one will have better detail than the rest last couple times I went out black hot was the ticket