Where is Dat Wascally Wabbit

Haha, my son and I were hunting one night and was about to call it on a particular stand when I went to pup distress on the caller. Immediately coyotes sounded off behind us and close.
I stayed facing the direction we were facing and he spun around facing the coyotes that sounded off.
I hear him say I see them. Then he says they’re coming. I told him while I was still scanning the opposite direction to shoot when he has a shot.
He shoots and I can normally tell about how far they are from hearing the bullet hit. Well, this was an immediate crack/thump. I picked my head off my scope and in a loud whisper asked how freaking close was it? His response was turn around and turn on your headlamp. That coyote was 7 large steps away.
It was his first time shooting and he didn’t realize they don’t stop! They would have literally run right passed us at touching range had they kept coming heading for the caller.