What's your broadhead of choice?


I know several very good bowhunters who use Slick Tricks. I had my choices narrowed down to them and G5 strikers and went with the G5s because I prefer a 3 blade. Both are great heads IMO.
Just laid another buck to rest tonight with the Slick Tricks. 11 pointer, 240lb. on the hoof and didnt even make it 30 yards before giving up the ghost. Only one other broad head even came close to this performance and that would be the 2 blade rage. Killed 3 deer so far using these broad heads and none ever made past 40 yards. Thats with my experience. I do believe I am now a die hard Slick Trick fan from now on!
rage three blades out of my bow tech and muzzy three blades out of my parker yes i have two bows and hunt with them both just makeing my mind up in the morning is the hard part
Shot placement was a problem on the third deer. I just flat blew it. No excuses just a bad hit. I found it a week later. The rest were out to 25 yards, arrows tucked behind the shoulder. No blood at all on 3 of them. The other left good blood for almost 40 yards and just quit. Shootin a 75 pound bow I had one pass through on a doe at 35 yards with the rage. Dropped within 20 yards. That was my one and only kill with them. Muzzy hasn't let me down yet. Every deer dropped within 40 yards. 0 losses. I'll stick with the Muzzys! Oh and by the way Tim, I consistently shoot 4 inch groups at 70 yards with the same setup I hunt with. Practice aint the issue.
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Must be bad luck. I run 3 blade Rages as does my wife and blood has NEVER been a problem.

I used to be a Muzzy fan till I discovered Slick Tricks . ST just plain work. Have a mixed quiver of Rage and ST's,depends on my mood that day.
I've heard the 3 blade rages work perty good but just have a bad taste in my mouth after this season. Two guys from work use Slick Tricks and have great luck with them. They just didn't group as good out of my bow. Plenty good enough to kill a deer but the muzzys shot better for me.
I've shot lots of heads over the years. Thunderhead, muzzy, rage, and magnus stinger 4 blade. Magnus fly great for me and penetrate like no other.
Ive shot quite a few broadheads since I've been working at an archery shop the last couple years, Heres my favorites


Rage 2 blade (with a dental band around the center of the blades)

G5- T3

Grim Reaper

Fixed Blades,

Slick trick 100

Wac' em

Tight point - shuttle t lock