What’s your average stand time?


Well-known member
I know everybody sees things different and has to taylor stands to fit their own needs. Often our environment dictates how and why we do our own thing. Where I work we don’t have large numbers of dogs, still have too many in my opinion but that’s job security. There isn’t any competition for food its litterally under every bush. While I’ve killed a few dogs at 3-11 minutes I’ve killed more at 3-5 hour mark 1 stand.
You sit on stand 3-5 hours?
Yes Sir that is fairly average for me. Typically Im after one that’s killing stock and it’s my job to stop it. I once sat a mudhole for 14 hours. Waiting for a shot on one that was killing angora nannies daily and only eating the liver. What’s interesting about that particular hunt the day before i tried calling her not so much as a peep from her. When she came to the mudhole she challenged bark starting at 500 yards id guess and continued until she popped out at the waterhole.
30-45 minutes is probably average. If I have responses or know something is out there I have spent over 2 hours and been successful at breaking them or simply waiting them out in silence.

Similar to Paul (Oldcoyotetrapper) I have a sheep farm that takes less calling and more waiting when you’re dealing with a specific problem coyote.
30-45 minutes is probably average. If I have responses or know something is out there I have spent over 2 hours and been successful at breaking them or simply waiting them out in silence.

Similar to Paul (Oldcoyotetrapper) I have a sheep farm that takes less calling and more waiting when you’re dealing with a specific problem coyote.
Definitely a different world but it gives me about 150,0000 acres to access, that I wouldn’t other wise have. Kinda like a big deer lease. Course i can only hunt deer on about 15,000 but that’s more then i ever need. When my wife and i go out for deer rarely leave the ranch i live.
In the winter here, some nights it's hard to make 20 minutes even with hand/toe warmers. I need a blind/heater to sit past 1/2 hr. In the fall if I sit along headlands while combines are harvesting corn, I have sat 2+ hours, calling a couple minutes after the combine turns around. Rabbits are pushed around, so I move 25-50 yards as the combines work, calling as if a rabbit is injured escaping the equipment. Pups are very quick to rush the rabbit.
I rarely sit over 45 min. most of my stands are around 30 min. my butt starts to hurt if i sit much longer. Murl B.

Just different situations dictating what I’ve got to do. I try and reflect and kinda embrace the solace and tranquillity at those sets, kinda find an inner peace. Also often pray on stand, only giving thanks for this life i have. (Not that the dog comes in and i can go home)
Usually 30 minutes the norm but 45 not all that uncommon.