Well Crap

I always carried a spare battery pack for the FX3 as well; never had to use it, but who knows?? Another tip for carrying spare 9v or battery packs. Get a couple of THESE and tape up the wires. Those suckers get HOT when a pocket knife, fingernail clipper, or.....get against the contacts! Don't ask how I know.
So how long do the FoxPro rechargeable battery packs last?
Just curious because I have an Icotec with their battery pack and I’ll charge it after about every fifth hunt whether it needs it or not. I’d feel safe in saying I could hunt 5-6 hours a night for a week on one charge with ease.
I think my remote batteries would last a solid year if I’d quit inadvertently hitting the on switch, lol.
I always carried a spare battery pack for the FX3 as well; never had to use it, but who knows?? Another tip for carrying spare 9v or battery packs. Get a couple of THESE and tape up the wires. Those suckers get HOT when a pocket knife, fingernail clipper, or.....get against the contacts! Don't ask how I know.
I know what you’re saying Clarence, so I went with these as an option. Pretty sure I got them dirt cheap on Amazon.
Hadn't seen those, perfect fit. I dropped a spare 9V for my remote in my pocket one day because I knew the one in remote was getting low. Had a fingernail clipper in that pocket and the rest is history. :ROFLMAO: Ever since then, I have taped up low batteries before discarding.
I played around with the Patriot a little in the house this morning. I think I'm going to like it. I like having the menu on the screen as it makes it easy to see. I also like the menu option. It has far more calls than I originally thought it had. Somewhere I had the idea it only had 35 pre-recorded sounds. It has 100 and a lot that I can use. And..room for more. Only one speaker where the FX3 had two. I can't say that will make a lot of difference.

I did get my FX3 in the mail today to FOXPRO. I was thinking if they can't repair it to have it returned and I can at least use it to charge batteries. It will charge 8 at a time.
So how long do the FoxPro rechargeable battery packs last?
Just curious because I have an Icotec with their battery pack and I’ll charge it after about every fifth hunt whether it needs it or not. I’d feel safe in saying I could hunt 5-6 hours a night for a week on one charge with ease.
I think my remote batteries would last a solid year if I’d quit inadvertently hitting the on switch, lol.
I've got the lithium battery back for my Shockwave and I feel you like you do. I just charge it after about three days of calling whether it needs it or not. The only two times it has actually been "dead" were times I left the caller on between weekends of calling.
So how long do the FoxPro rechargeable battery packs last?
Just curious because I have an Icotec with their battery pack and I’ll charge it after about every fifth hunt whether it needs it or not. I’d feel safe in saying I could hunt 5-6 hours a night for a week on one charge with ease.
I think my remote batteries would last a solid year if I’d quit inadvertently hitting the on switch, lol.

If you are talking about the large block Lithium batteries, i have used both the ICOtec and FOXPRO. They last about the same. like DesertRam said, the only time i have dealt with a dead one was when i accidentally left it on after hunting. I bought an extra 10000 mah one for my X24 to have a spare in case it happens again. the problem is that no battery indicator tells you how much of a charge is left. The X48 and X360 will have 2 way communication with the remote, so you will be able to tell how much battery life the call has instead of trying to remember the last time you charged it/
I bought an extra 10000 mah one for my X24 to have a spare in case it happens again. the problem is that no battery indicator tells you how much of a charge is left
This has been something that I have found annoying with the Foxpro callers. With all of the features my old fusion had/has I was surprised that a simple battery level indicator was not one of them. When I upgraded to the X2s I was again shocked that an indicator was still not a feature. The high capacity battery for the X2s was over $100 but the in the field insurance of having it was worth it. However, you generally don’t realize your batteries are dead until you’re into your set, and that is super frustrating.
I have a post-it on the chgr and the b/p that I keep track of the last date charged. My fusion with eneloops and icotec with their b/p will last me more than 5 nights hunting at 5-6 sets each night in the winter-a couple weeks in warmer weather.
I have a post-it on the chgr and the b/p that I keep track of the last date charged. My fusion with eneloops and icotec with their b/p will last me more than 5 nights hunting at 5-6 sets each night in the winter-a couple weeks in warmer weather.
You’re more trusting than me Mike! Lol… I would run my Fusion maybe 2 nights and those batteries were hitting the chargers. I also used Enloop Pro rechargeables. By far the best performing rechargeables I used. I have a set of the white Foxpro rechargeables and they are disappointingly weak. Those are used as an emergency backup to my emergency backups! Lol…

I will say that I have not yet depleted the battery pack completely in my X2s, but again, I tend to charge it after a couple nights of hunting no matter what.

I’m kinda neurotic about my batteries. All of my batteries get checked with a voltage meter frequently.
Got an email from FOXPRO this morning. Looks like they can repair my FX3. It needed a new keypad and battery carrier. Its going to cost $65 but I think its worth the cost. It was a good caller and I liked it. Maybe not as user friendly at the Patriot but I think the quality is better.
Got an email from FOXPRO this morning. Looks like they can repair my FX3. It needed a new keypad and battery carrier. Its going to cost $65 but I think its worth the cost. It was a good caller and I liked it. Maybe not as user friendly at the Patriot but I think the quality is better.

definitely repair your device, the price is affordable.
a new caller will have you for little money
I'm not bashing FP, and glad they can repair my caller but comparing the Patriot to the FX3, there is a world of difference in quality IMO. The FX3 just seems a lot heavier duty to me. I like the dual speakers to as opposed to the single in the Patriot. Not sure how much difference it makes in calling but maybe it might. The Patriot uses less batteries but you have to take them out to charge where the FX3 you just plug it in. Just several little differences that make me like the FX3 a little better. I'll compare them when it returns. My friend wants the FX3 but I don't think its going to be for sale. At least not at this time.
I guess its "Well Crap" again. I sent my FX3 in for repair and it was returned this afternoon but not repaired. They fixed the remote but not the speaker issue. Anything over 4-5 on the volume and the speakers start popping. I enclosed a letter explaining the remote was stuck and the speakers were bad. I guess they missed the speaker part. Kinda disappointed in FOXPRO on this one. It was $15 to ship and $64 for repairs. Its just not cost effective to me to send it back again. But if any of you need parts for the FX3 caller let me know. I may have what you can use.
That's a shame, Bill. I'd contact Foxpro again and tell them your problem and see what they say. Also there is a jack for an external speaker on the FX3 you could plug into. I bought an external speaker from Radio Shack years ago and wired a jack for an old Loudmouth call that you can have but the jack doesn't fit Foxpro. It's pretty bulky but no more so than some of the newer calls.
I agree with Clarence on this one Bill. Give FoxPro a call. They may work with you and pick up any charges due to their oversight?
It never hurts to ask.

Personally, FP has been solid to work with in the past. They may actually appreciate the feedback. Sometimes companies want to know where problems exist so they can pursue corrective actions going forward.