We all know that one guy..........

There use to be 7 or 8 of use shoot together at my club. I brought my buddy with me a few times and he would go bench to bench talking to the shooters. One time I didn't bring him and the group ask me not to bring him out anymore. Its sad that he has to be such a Bullshitter because he is a nice guy. I've grown use to it as I known him over 40yrs. A guy that's known him longer than me says he's just not happy with who he is so he lies. IDK??
Bullshitter, liar, call it what you want, IMO anyone who lies continuously has some type of mental disorder, just tell it the way it is!
I know a few of "that guy", like others have said, some are pretty good guys, but I make it a point not to hang out with them.
In case anyone is wondering why I only post on a couple of threads on here, it's because I stink at coyote hunting, see, it's not that hard to tell the truth! LOL !!!!
Bullshitter, liar, call it what you want, IMO anyone who lies continuously has some type of mental disorder, just tell it the way it is!
I know a few of "that guy", like others have said, some are pretty good guys, but I make it a point not to hang out with them.
In case anyone is wondering why I only post on a couple of threads on here, it's because I stink at coyote hunting, see, it's not that hard to tell the truth! LOL !!!!
If its any consolation, I'm not a very good coyote hunter either but its still fun and I like going.
I had a very good friend who would do that. Problem was every time I call him on one of his stories he would turn around and do whatever it was he was talking about. Really wish he was still around.
"That guy" was a good friend growing up as kids. Eventually in our late twenties we grew apart and went separate ways as many folks do. Miss him being around from time to time, but sure don't miss the B.S. that came along with him! All of my buddies and I were "ranch kids". All neighbors but the closest any of us lived as the crow flies was maybe 15 or 20 miles. We'd get together to go deer or elk hunting as teenagers. Never failed, EVERY hunt would include a gunshot by him (only when no one else was present) at the biggest buck or bull he had ever seen. Dang guy wouldn't even wait till the end of the day either. It might be first thing in the morning just as we were slipping into a great spot to start the morning and BAM! We all knew there was nothing to show for the shot other than some B.S. story about how he just missed some non-typical giant lol.
The save of a lifetime for me is when I went to a game preserve with family and I shot two pheasants out of the air with my pump in under a second, the rooster's head flew 30yards, right after a few other guys missed them. My cousin happened to just get a GoPro and clip it on his hat for the first time and got it on video.
one time, rabbit hunting in my early 20's,during a very uneventful day (no dogs) i was walking along, semi auto shotgun over my shoulder and eating a small blueberry pie when all of a sudden a rabbit takes off, i didnt want to drop the pie, so i just laid that shotgun across my forearm, pointed it at the rabbit, pulled the trigger and killed it as it ran.

my buddy looks at me and says "how the heck did you do that" i looked back and said "what ? you cant do that :ROFLMAO:
My friend and a few of us were all setting around the campfire one evening. I said me and another guy were rabbit hunting and killed so many rabbits the were falling over the sides of my truck. My buddy said he was fishing and hooked something. When he reeled it in, it was an old lantern and it was still lit. I said tell you what, I'll unload a few of those rabbits if you blow out that lantern. :)
Let me give you the opposite end of the story. I knew a man who was a retired Navy Master Chief and no matter what you did, he had done something bigger or better. We all thought he was the biggest liar that ever existed. His wife would get tired of hearing him and say "Shut up Bob, everybody knows that's a lie." He had a grown Down Syndrome son at the time and when his mother would say that, Robert, Jr. would pipe in and say, "Yeah, Shut up Bob, everybody knows that's a lie." He was a really nice man in his older years and you just had to love him. I once caught a 240 lb. Bull shark here in NC where sharks aren't supposed to be. When he heard about it he said, "I caught a 400 lb. Bull shark off a navy ship in Guantanamo Bay. His wife hit him with the shut up Bob, and Robert, Jr. followed suit. He claimed to have served on the first Navy Carrier, the Langley. He also claimed to have been on the first submarine that was saved by a diving bell rescue. He said he spent part of WWII up a Chinese River (Sand Pebbles Movie), and that he owned a Philippina woman that he purchased for 5 dollars, and that he knew Chiang-Ki-Shek (Chinese Nationalist leader personally).

Then when he died, his younger son, also a retired Master Chief by this time, and grandson went through his belongings. He had a scrap book that had pictures of the USS Langley, the rescued sub, the Philippina woman (a beauty) with him, and pictures of him shaking hands with Chiang-Ki-Shek and Mrs. Shek. Also pictures of the Nationalist soldiers executing Chinese communists. Sure enough there was the picture of him with the big shark on the deck of a Navy vessel, (a tug I think), in Guantanamo Bay. I loved that ol' guy, but it added a great appreciation to know that he had lived all those things or at least been around when they happened.