Visible laser for pinpointing down animals>


Well-known member
I have been using a Beamshot GB800 green laser for 5-6 years now to pinpoint down animals in tall grass, weeds, etc. Lately it has started to get weaker and weaker so it is time to replace it. It has been a trouble free unit but I am looking to upgrade to something better. I am really leaning towards the Holosun LS177G. Anyone here have any experience with this laser, or maybe another brand in or around the $300.00 price range? I'm only interested in green lasers, they are brighter than red and that is what I need.
I just use a $25 one from Amazon.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. I have looked at the Amazon ones and some of them look pretty impressive especially at their price point.
I just question how they hold up/retain zero to recoil. I've read that some of them don't last very long but I guess it is hit or miss with anything made in China.
For $25.00 you can probably afford to replace it every year if needed.
I just caught the Holosun LS117G on sale this morning and ordered it. I'll update with my impressions when I get it.
Amazon one here also, but I keep it in my pocket until I need it. I mounted it on a little picatinny slide mount, and have one of those Caldwell brass catcher mounts attached to the rail of the gun. So I can just slide it on when needed. There's some play so it's not perfectly accurate each time but it generally doesn't have to be.

Thinking about it, having it in a qd ring would be more solid and repeatable if one wanted to get it very accurate.
I have mine mounted on a flat plastic plate, carry it in my pouch on belt. If I need it, lock down ball head on tripod, slide rifle out, slide laser in & turn it on. Put rifle on my shoulder & go get my coyote. Dad taught me long ago to never walk away from my rifle. Certainly not interested in walking 1/4 yds away from my rifle at night.
I have mine mounted on a flat plastic plate, carry it in my pouch on belt. If I need it, lock down ball head on tripod, slide rifle out, slide laser in & turn it on. Put rifle on my shoulder & go get my coyote. Dad taught me long ago to never walk away from my rifle. Certainly not interested in walking 1/4 yds away from my rifle at night.
I had my lesson on walking away from my rifle a long time ago. Whether its 10 ft or 1000 ft, I am ready for that unseen one.
My old hunting partner use to use a small hand held laser attached to a small tripod. But this was when we were hunting with lights. The lighter would mark the spot the animal was at the shot with the laser and keep the area lit while the shooter went to retrieve.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. I have looked at the Amazon ones and some of them look pretty impressive especially at their price point.
I just question how they hold up/retain zero to recoil. I've read that some of them don't last very long but I guess it is hit or miss with anything made in China.
For $25.00 you can probably afford to replace it every year if needed.
I just caught the Holosun LS117G on sale this morning and ordered it. I'll update with my impressions when I get it.
I just ordered one yesterday from Amazon and it was delivered this morning. I should be able to check it out this afternoon. I think it was $38. Worth a try I guess. If it works out to about 250 yards I'll be happy.
I bought an el cheapo green lazer off Amazon a couple years ago, & a roll of velcro from Wally World.

My plan was to velcro it to the hand guard while in the tripod, but I've have yet to use it.

Honestly, I keep forgetting I have it in my pack.
Lasers are not legal to hunt with here, so you cannot even have one on your gun. In your pocket used to help recover is probably a huge gray area, doubt any warden cares about it with yotes because imo its just like using a flashlight to recover... But if a neighbor got pissy it might be a long conversation at least. Just be cautious where you use the trick.
I piled one up in a picked corn field, & walked up,down, all around in the area with the scanner and never did find it.

Granted, I didn't spend a lot of time looking, but I was surprised I couldn't walk right to him like I thought.
Just curious, when you have multiple coyotes or even immediately after the shot, do you just not move your rifle and click on the light?
I can see where it would help me some after downloading the video and getting a reference point and then clicking a light on to follow.
If they go down in high grass, or disappear over an embankment, they won't show up with scanner until you are on top of em. And a field can look entirely different after you walk 300 yds out to the spot. This does a good job of leading you the last spot they were seen.
Exactly. That is why I use a laser. After using one for the last several years I would not want to be without one. I use it on every kill, it has saved me countless time and effort on recovery.