Using hand calls effectively


New member
New to predator hunting I've been posting in all sections like crazy just trying to get some knowledge. I am thinking of getting an e caller but have some hand calls. Question is when is it best to use hand calls and can you be effective with hand calls only or like many great members have pointed out to me that both electronic and hand calls are best so you can be versatile in a given situation. When using handcalls would a stand alone decoy pull attention away from me making the sound or will most predators focused on the sound. In my state e calls are legal except for fox, you must use hand calls to call in fox. Idk Why but that's the law.
The biggest negative of handcalling to me is the predator is focused on where the sound is coming from (YOU). Limiting your movement is key as well as the probability of being back doored is greater.
Electronic calls with remotes can allow you the ability to get away with a little more movement as well as play the wind better since the sound isn't coming from where you are sitting.

Just my opinion.
I’ve found that they will focus,… No,… PINPOINT where the sound is coming from with incredible accuracy. As an example, and to the point of your question, ….

Say you are handcalling, and you have a stationary decoy out, and a coyote hears you and comes in, If you are at a silent point in your calling when it comes into view it MAY focus on your decoy if it sees it.

Same scenario, but you are still making sounds when the coyote comes into view, chances are good that you are going to be the focus of that coyote’s attention. Not the decoy.

Nothing is ever 100% in this game. Experience is the best teacher. You gotta have a certain amount of “Stick” to become successful at this type of hunting. If you are easily discouraged, or you’re the type to try and take shortcuts to success this might not be for you. If you have enough “Stick” and pay attention to all of the things that these experienced folks are telling you, it is an incredibly addictive sport. Good luck!
Many coyotes go into a instant panic when you give them two things to think about at the same time. I have used decoys quite a bit and they work much better if the sound is coming out within 12" or less of the decoy. If the sound is coming out a foot or more away from the decoy then you are giving the coyote more than one thing to think about.

Many coyotes that I have called in will stop and look at the decoy as soon as they see it, even with the sound and decoy in the same spot.
0168 calls it 'stick' I call it 'BONEHEADEDNESS". As an example, When I first started this game, it was only legal to use lights here in PA. I kept track of my sets UNTIL I went 184 sets without seeing a coyote's eyes from the last sighting. I don't have a clue how many more sets I made before seeing another.
0168 calls it 'stick' I call it 'BONEHEADEDNESS". As an example, When I first started this game, it was only legal to use lights here in PA. I kept track of my sets UNTIL I went 184 sets without seeing a coyote's eyes from the last sighting. I don't have a clue how many more sets I made before seeing another.
Call it whatever you want to call it, but I truly believe you need to be of a slightly off kilter personality to really be serious at this game! Lol. Gotta have a passion for tormenting yourself until it finally comes together.
I guess I’m a bit different. The fun in predator calling for me is having them roll right in on me. Love getting them close and ain’t afraid to do it. I want them to pinpoint me and the challenge is getting them to keep coming and get as close as I want them. Even when running an E caller I’ll keep it beside me or put to one side sometimes. Yep you can get back doored or busted but that’s not a big deal to me. Sometimes I pick em up and sometimes I don’t. I kinda despise walking a caller out into the open and walking back and all that.. just not my cup of tea sometimes.
All really good info above. I use both often starting a stand by hand call then answering with an ecall. I put call out as far as my controller will reach. I want them not looking at me. Rarely will I set caller in the open, I prefer a bush or cactus patch. Make them search for it. There is really no magic as stated above. Trail and error along with persistance. Let’s back up a bit 1st cause it’s easy to get discouraged. The closer you can get to them the easier they will be to call. So you’ve got to scout find tracks, turds or other coyote sign. Go out at night and locate either by howls or a siren. Remember if it’s late they may already be moving. So when I get a hit at night a coyote howling back I return in the morning and locate them again . Then you’ll know or have a good idea where they are layin up. Then be cautious of the wind and get in close as you can. Best of luck to you its pretty easy to get hooked on this.
As far as them pin pointing where the sound WAS coming from, everyone is spot on. Was calling with Kerry Carver while he was filming his DVD. We had a coyote coming in so I muted the call to slow the coyotes approach. That coyote walked straight up to the exact bush/tree I had the call in. Surprised the hell out a me with the accuracy the coyote had with the call muted, and it's all on film.
As far as them pin pointing where the sound WAS coming from, everyone is spot on. Was calling with Kerry Carver while he was filming his DVD. We had a coyote coming in so I muted the call to slow the coyotes approach. That coyote walked straight up to the exact bush/tree I had the call in. Surprised the hell out a me with the accuracy the coyote had with the call muted, and it's all on film.

I remember that stand.. We need to do it again..
Everyone else has covered it fairly well but il add my 2 cents.
My approach is a lot like lonehowls. I like getting my coyotes close to me so even when running an e call it's not more than 30 yards away.
As for using hand calls as a stand alone I do probably half or more of my coyote stands with the e call still in the truck.
Have a good position to sit and don't make sudden movements and the coyotes will often look right at me but keep coming as they can't place what I am sitting against a bush or snowdrift.
I use hand calls at all times of the year and have success at all times as well.
Guys this is an awesome thread full of darn good info!!! Will this be similar setups I would use calling bobcats and since fox (for some reason can only be hunted by hand calls that is a no brainer really. But should I use both types when trying to call in a bobcat?
Can’t use E calls on gray fox in California either. Almost nobody knows that there.
Reds are off limits altogether.