Tuning metal reeds


I know this has been talked about on this forum before years ago because I’ve searched and found it, but I’m gonna put it out there anyway.

I recently got out my collection of calls and discovered that the Burnham Brothers Mini Blaster I have would not make a sound when I tried to blow the call. Sooo, started researching reed replacement, reed tuning.

There’s some great information on the subject via guys that have been here once upon a time (and some that have come back). I speak of guys like a Jay Nistetter and a guy that came back to the forum, after being there at the start, ie, Mark Andes (aka Lonehowl). Interesting to learn about Wintriss metal reeds (brass) of 50+ years ago and how JC products bought them out to be the main source for closed call reeds today. Anyway….

Here’s a post I found back in 2003 and J Nistetter later had an article about the same subject that was published in Trapper & Predator Calling magazine in 2008. Regardless, I’ve read and reread it as well as Mark’s own expertise and explanation in another predator calling forum way back…gonna try replacing this reed in the above mentioned call I have.

An article on this was published in Trapper & Predator Caller magazine early 2008:

Brief pointers on tuning closed reed calls using JC Products or Wintriss reeds.


A voice consists of a thin piece of metal or plastic called a blade. The blade rests on a tone board. As air passes over the thin stock, it causes the reed to vibrate against the tone board. Air is forced to pass through an air channel that is incorporated into the tone board. A small amount of backpressure is created and is controlled by the intensity of the airflow. Controlling the airflow cause changes in tone, and volume. Backpressure is further controlled by the call body design and use of the hands. The end of the voice has a split in its design, which allows it to snugly fit into a call body. Should a reed become loose, the split allows it to be widened to re-establish a tight fit inside the call.


All sounds will attract animals whether they are predators or prey. Dogs, cats, deer, birds, neighbors all come to various sounds. Many times my neighbors have come wandering outside in attempts to figure out just what the heck they were hearing. More than once some lady has come rushing out of her home to rescue a crying baby only to find me tuning a reed for one of my predator calls. Since I am more interested in calling predatory animals instead of my neighbors, I need to adjust the sound by tuning my reed.

What does tuning a reed really mean? Many of us have heard about tuning a reed and some of us can even describe what tuning a reed involves to some degree. Tuning a reed is not difficult. It can be done at your leisure while sitting around your campfire or watching the ballgame on TV. You can’t do it while driving to work because you need two free hands.

Certain sounds typically work better when targeting certain species. Fine-tuning a sound will help you to be even more successful in “bringing in” your targeted specie. The more successful callers know this and use it to their advantage. It is impossible to put down in words the sound objective. Establishing a proper sound takes many failures to determine what works the best for your style of calling.

I can make your personal call sound much different than you because I blow a call differently. I cup my hands different. The intensity is different. The cadence is different. Everything is different. With this in mind, I will tune a call by utilizing the generally accepted criteria that beginning callers should employ when calling predatory wildlife. If I had to put a sound down in words it would go something like this…. “Waaa, Waaa, Waaa. Owww, Owww, Owww”.

For the moment we will assume that everyone knows the proper way to remove and install reeds into their calls. (If you are unsure, reeds are always inserted and removed through the mouth-piece end of the call.)

Most enclosed reed calls use reeds that are made by JC Products. Faulk’s makes their own reeds from the old tooling used by Wintriss from years gone by. This tooling was designed initially for brass reeds. Several call makers offer reed replacement kits should your call need a sound overhaul.

Reeds are very fragile. Care should be exercised when handling. Many times reeds are ruined by careless handling. Once the thin reed material is bent, there is no way to repair the damage.



Reeds can be scored to make the pitch higher by creasing the thin blade with a thumbnail or a pocketknife blade.


Reeds can be shaved thinner to achieve different sounds. The old school of thought was “thinner-is-better”. Contest callers would shave the blades so thin that many times the reeds would split. This was disastrous when competing in a calling contest. In order to make the reeds sturdier and keep them from splitting during some crucial moment, a single drop of airplane glue was oftentimes placed on the "flat" of the reed near the base. (trick of the trade)

Using A Knife:

A knife is placed perpendicular to the reed and scraped across the metal to shave away small amounts of metal.

Using A File:

Reeds can be filed to make them thinner producing a raspier sound. The photo shows how an Emery board is used to take off metal from the reed edges. After you have finished tuning your reed, it is extremely important to remember to carefully replace the Emery board back where you found it. If your wife or girlfriend confronts you about using it, always reply… “Emery who?”


The following photograph shows how a razor blade is slid between the body channel and the reed until the razor blade stops. Sometimes thumb pressure is applied by pressing down on the reed flat to form a pronounced ridge. This raising of the reed causes a raspier sound.

The dimples on the top reed, which prevents the two thin blades from sticking together, easily identify double reed voices. Double reed voices must be bladed in between the two thin blades in order to adjust the sound and tone. The result is a real nice sound but the drawback is that it is now easier to over-blow and lock up the two reeds. The tendency of new callers is to over blow anyway and this reed would be an effective tool in teaching beginners NOT to over blow.

The end of the voice body is equipped with a slot used for adjusting the compression fit to the call body. Sometimes a voice may become loose and fall out. If this is the case, the diameter needs to be enlarged. This is accomplished simply by placing a knife blade in the slot to slightly pry it open.

It is inevitable that a caller will fiddle with the reed in his call at some point in time (more than once). This "curiosity" instinct generally results in a ruined reed. After a few phone calls and a couple trips to the sporting goods store, a new reed is acquired and Mr. Fiddle Fingers is just about back in business. Well, almost. The first attempt in installing a new voice is the tendency to push the voice into the call body too tightly. This crushes the metal gap of the slot together and in extreme cases causes them to overlap. The resulting sound (if any) from the newly refurbished call is horrible. In this case, the voice needs to be carefully removed and the slot recreated by using a knife blade to restore a gap.

I had one fellow tell me a very sad story of how he followed all of my instructions and tuned his reed to perfection. He was very careful not to damage the fragile blade. He was completely confused as to why his call didn’t work when he put his newly tuned reed back into his call. When I quizzed him as to the problem he encountered, he explained that his call would not make any sound when he blew into it and how it only made sounds when he sucked on it like a straw. I just walked away thinking there’s a lot more work for me to do.

This should keep you busy for awhile. Don't try this unless you have a back-up call to use because you WILL booger a few reeds up.

Edit: Forgot to mention that detailed photos are shown in the Trapper Predator Magazine. Actually conned my wife into being the finger model.
That's a great article! Would have been very helpful if I had found it when I first started playing with JC reeds! I have a mountain of split, bent, sanded and otherwise destroyed reeds that were sacrificed in the name of experimentation!

With the double reeds I will add that if you find them flat, locking up and overall not raspy you can VERY carefully bend the top reed back to create more gap between the 2. Watch the gap between each bend attempt and test as you go.
Some random thoughts…I prefer double stainless 002 reeds for the majority of my calls. I also love the 005 Mylar under 002 stainless, although they can be finicky to tune. You can do so much with those 2 reed models.
I usually order straight from JC Products in bags of 250. They give you a few options as to how you would like the reeds “pre tuned” if you will ( on the all stainless reeds mostly) I usually get em with no pre tuning, but if you choose or tell them that you would like the old “LV” tuning you will get the original Loud Voice which will sound good and is a great place to start and will take very little messing around with to get it where you may want it to be. If you order from say All Predators.com, who are great btw,…they have the LV reeds.

Reeds aren’t 100 % what makes or breaks a call. Obviously everyone blows a call differently, but It also depends on reed placement inside the call, closer or further away from the air presentation, and also the internal design of the call itself. Also using or not using the reed sleeves (there’s also the rubber bushings) will make a difference. A tiny amount of blow by can/will happen when using a reed sleeve.. which should be epoxied into the call body btw…and can make a call a tad easier to blow and handle as well as making reed changes easier. Building calls the old school way with no reed sleeve can make the call a bit more efficient with no blow by, so back pressure is instant and makes a call easy to get raspy on and actually can take less air to run. They just sound different most times. I prefer the old school way personally. Most people probably can’t tell and don’t care anyways. Using the rubber bushings from JC gives a lot of flexibility, I use these in my polymer calls and some guys use them in wood calls in different ways, usually by drilling a half inch hole all the way thru the call and pushing the reed/bushing combo up into the call to were they prefer. Single and double hole bushings are available.

Maybe some tuning ramblings later.
Nice! How hard is it to order from them? The website is a nightmare to navigate so I haven't bothered yet but I would assume the prices are a lot more reasonable.
Some random thoughts…I prefer double stainless 002 reeds for the majority of my calls. I also love the 005 Mylar under 002 stainless, although they can be finicky to tune. You can do so much with those 2 reed models.
I usually order straight from JC Products in bags of 250. They give you a few options as to how you would like the reeds “pre tuned” if you will ( on the all stainless reeds mostly) I usually get em with no pre tuning, but if you choose or tell them that you would like the old “LV” tuning you will get the original Loud Voice which will sound good and is a great place to start and will take very little messing around with to get it where you may want it to be. If you order from say All Predators.com, who are great btw,…they have the LV reeds.

Reeds aren’t 100 % what makes or breaks a call. Obviously everyone blows a call differently, but It also depends on reed placement inside the call, closer or further away from the air presentation, and also the internal design of the call itself. Also using or not using the reed sleeves (there’s also the rubber bushings) will make a difference. A tiny amount of blow by can/will happen when using a reed sleeve.. which should be epoxied into the call body btw…and can make a call a tad easier to blow and handle as well as making reed changes easier. Building calls the old school way with no reed sleeve can make the call a bit more efficient with no blow by, so back pressure is instant and makes a call easy to get raspy on and actually can take less air to run. They just sound different most times. I prefer the old school way personally. Most people probably can’t tell and don’t care anyways. Using the rubber bushings from JC gives a lot of flexibility, I use these in my polymer calls and some guys use them in wood calls in different ways, usually by drilling a half inch hole all the way thru the call and pushing the reed/bushing combo up into the call to were they prefer. Single and double hole bushings are available.

Maybe some tuning ramblings later.

I agree 100 percent you are spot on..
Yota, just pick the reed ya want and choose the “tuning”. What they do is slide a specific sized shim under each reed to get it to that “tune”. It’s easy. It takes about a week or two to get em so be patient…lot of hand work going on there.