Trump for President

medic joe

New member
Having been a Patriot since 5th grade. After our teacher taught us children. What the American Flag really stood for. She said, in so many words. Our Flag stands for FREEDOM. Paid in full by our Veterans. I took what she said to heart. And will take that mindset to my grave. Without Trump as our President. I see doom. & more hard times ahead for us all.
I’ll just say it. I do not like candidate Donald Trump. He’s another out of touch rich bastard that would never darken yours or my own door. Would never have anything to do with any of you. Say what you want. Argue the following points but the facts remain.
His history is that he’s pro Russia… anti Ukraine, has a history of fighting against private property (Vera Coking), anti gun (pro red flag laws) and pro gene therapy (vaccine mandates) that were forced upon all. I didn’t like him as a Reform Party candidate or a Republican candidate then and or now.

His previous presidency and influence directly affected me and mine during Covid (implemented Operation Warp Speed and the resulting totalitarian actions as a result).

That said, the other option now in 2024 is an avowed Communist. Enough said.
the Russia connection and the steele dossier were proven to be fake

he wants Ukraine to turn over records that expose the hunter Biden deal and the Joe Biden bribery to get the prosecutor fired

not much wrong with red flag laws as long as due process is followed, lots of room for abuse though.

as far as the forced vaccines...that was a democrat issue that got passed, no one forced me to get the jab, no one ever will. voting Trump or Kamala ??

And we weren't up to our ears in illegals, nor did it cost an arm and a leg to buy groceries or gasoline, to say nothing of the 13 dead soldiers and billions of dollars worth of materiel and giving one of the largest military air bases in the world to China. Just sayin.
the Russia connection and the steele dossier were proven to be fake

he wants Ukraine to turn over records that expose the hunter Biden deal and the Joe Biden bribery to get the prosecutor fired

not much wrong with red flag laws as long as due process is followed, lots of room for abuse though.

as far as the forced vaccines...that was a democrat issue that got passed, no one forced me to get the jab, no one ever will. voting Trump or Kamala ??

Trump is pro Russia and has stated Ukraine should give up their sovereignty even when Russia violated the Budapest Memorandum when they invaded Ukraine in 2014 initially. You do realize this right?

And it’s funny that seemingly the political Right wants to point to “corruption” in Ukraine and yet our own government is THE most corrupt nation worldwide, bar none.

Shame on you to say “not much wrong with red flag laws”. There is everything wrong with red flag laws. Do you truly and honestly believe due process will be followed? Pfft. It’s another ploy in getting rid of another unalienable right, as well as the 2nd Amendment and any way they can in disarming US citizens period.

And when you ask me who I’m voting for….maybe you should read and re-read what I stated toward the end of my earlier comment bohunr.

Oh yeah, btw Operation Warp Speed was initiated by Trump. Can’t lay the totalitarian actions all on Democrats.