Things That Amuse Me

Darn good question!!

I used to build all my own cow catchers when I purchased a new truck. I would weld up a new grill guard to fit and bolt it up. First Chevy truck I bought that had metric bolts holding bumper threw me a curve as I didn't have a metric socket that fit, it was a weekend and nothing was open where I could buy the correct socket. Managed to worry the bolts out with box wrench set but really needed the socket to start the bolts while holding up the new grill guard.
Only solution was to grind down the heads of the metric bolts to fit SAE socket size, which I did.

As it turned out, I traded that truck in on another newer Chevy w/same body style with the understanding that the dealer would swap my grill guard and topper from trade in to new truck. I steered clear of the shop foreman for a couple of months in order to give him time to forget any problems that caused them.