I have had 3 different Halo XRF (sold onto my buddy) and still are running the other 2. Another buddy of mine that started hunting last year has one. We have had nothing but great luck, runs off common 18650 batteries, a couple sets will last all night long unless it's brutal cold then you might possibly need a third but it has to be around minus 10 for that.
My scanner is actually a NOX 35 as well.
The very best features IMO is the zero has never shifted unlike some of the cheaper units, it has the best LRF out that's super strong and has very low bean divergence. Runs a very long time on common batteries, 5yr warranty and MADE IN THE USA!!!!! I've ran them from the southest to the Rockies in some really nasty conditions and they've been rock solid.
Nvision has recently discounted them and if mine got stolen it's exactly what I'd buy again and I've had Bering, AGM and others to compare to.