The Rubber Rabbit !!!!!!!!!! Yes It Really Does Work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Got your Strictly Business set the other day. Thanks for such quick service! Calls sound great! Will get out next weekend. I would like to be put on the List for a Rubber Rabbit also. PM me when available please.

Mine came also, I tried it out with the window open and some dogs about a block away started barking for all they were worth. It's very easy to blow and the sound is crystal clear. Job well done Kerry.
Originally Posted By: daddywpbGot the Rubber Rabbit. Sounds great - sharp and clean! It's gonna stay in my truck.

Steve im glad the call made it!! Let me know how it works for ya!! Kerry
I have some that will be ready on Tuesday.. If you would like one let me know..

Guys I've kind of been swamped for a while and have not been able to keep up with P/Ms.. If I have forgotten you its not intentional and im very sorry.. If you would like a rubber rabbit please P/M me again and I will get them out as fast as possible thanks.. Kerry
It I keep both of my rubber rabbits in a box, will I have MORE rubber rabbits in a couple of months?

What a great call! Thanks Kerry for the fast service and cool calls. They sound awsome.
Kerry, I got the call and DVD today. The call sounds incredible! I got my dog howling with me right away. Incredible value. Thanks for the fast service.