creek chub,
There is no parallel between the two issues, so get over it!
I have waited until today to respond to your original, and subsequent posts just so I could calm down some. I'm also going to suspend doing a tome on the issue, because I'm not going to change your narrow mind. Your arguments have already been sliced and diced, mostly by VAnimrod, and if you'd pull your self-rightous, sanctimonious head out of your nether regions and open your mind you'd see that.
While I do agree with you, somewhat, about the direction of our country, and some of the reasons for it, it does not have anything to do with whether we can hunt on Sunday, in Virginia, on private land. There is just no real logical order of progression.
You mentioned that our country was founded on Christian principles, yes it was; but it was NOT founded on Christian Doctrine! I've mostly looked at the separation clause as freedom of religion, instead of freedom from religion, at least not in the terms of O'hare, Newdow, the ACLU, et al. But, your beliefs have caused me to look at this more from a liberal slant, rather than my usual conservative perspective. You should be proud, not! Your view, as expressed, believes that the statute against S.H., is a good law , based on religiosity. Our Constitution prevents that, thank God.
If you follow Christ's teachings, as you profess, then you should accept the "Give unto God,what is His; and give unto Caesar what is his...'The Sunday hunting restriction in VA is CAESAR'S LAW, not God's! Show me, in the scriptures, where it says "Thou shalt not hunt on Sunday", you can't, it isn't there. You'd have to use some really far-fetched, convoluted, overeaching reasoning, that which would make a liberal ACLU lawyer agog with pride, to find anything in the Bible that says we should not hunt on Sunday, in Virginia, USA!
In another post, you mentioned that there is a democratic process to change the law. Be careful what you wish for! First, this is not a democracy, but a representative republic. If this were a true democracy(let's just use VA as an example, forget about nationally for now) and hunting came up for a referendum, NONE OF US WOULD BE ABLE TO HUNT ON ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!!! Don't kid yourself, we, as hunters, don't have the numbers, or the media and we'd lose, period! Additionally, has the democratic process worked, when nine(9) elected officials, beholding to special interest groups, not the majority of hunters, can kill a bill that would be contrary to your right to pursue your own form of recreation, or rest, on YOUR OWN PROPERTY, on Sunday? Not very democratic to my way of thinking, but I'm sure it's fine with you because those special interest groups represent your narrow minded, constitutionally illegal interests.
I could go on much further, but I think you should get my drift if you'd take off your blinders. I completely respect you beliefs, and probably share many of them, but they have no place in the State Legislature. Do as your beliefs mandate for you and your family, but don't use them to infringe on what should be my constitutional, as well as God given rights.
God Bless you as well,