Stun guns for snake bites.

Book? Why Danny, that was just some trivia from the back of my mind! Actually, I just did a quick search on Mojave rattlesnake venom toxicity, and there it was.
BTW, don't expect them ALL to be "green". They come in plain wrap, too. But you can tell by the tail.
dont know either way, but working as an electrician and getting hit by 120v at times. i would opt for medical treatment first.
no fun getting shocked.
New low voltage stun gun out. Made by ZAP. Neutralizes the venom so it can be absorbed and doesn't react to the body in an adverse way. Works on bees stings and black widow bites. Takes the pain away and the swelling.I KNOW it works on bee and yellow jacket stings. I have been using a spark plug on one wire, ground the other wire, use the other ends st shock around my stings for years. Just crank the van and hang on. No it will not be as bad.
I was a Paramedic for 30 years and I would not do it to myself or a loved one. You don’t want to increase excitement any more than is already going on. And you don’t want to put on ice or any type of restricting band or tourniquet on the person. Otherwise the venom will cause massive damage just sitting in same area. You want to just gently get them to a hospital, or an ambulance to them. They will determine the treatment needed and do it.