Smoking on a stand.....

I shared a lease with a guy in Texas who made it a point to sit in his deer stands smoking his pipe throughout the year so that come deer season all the critters were used to it. Pretty funny to see it from afar - a bunch of deer watching sideways at a stand with pipe smoke streaming out of it. Sure wish I had a picture...
Dang ackley...2 weeks without bathing?, I just couldn't do it!! When I'm out in country, I'm a firm believer in the old sardine scent. I usually fill (2) hooch, (canning) jars. I just leave them fermenting in my truck, no smell until I open them. I leave one open on the hood of my truck and take one with me. I've even smelled the one from my truck at my posting area even prior to opening the one with me. (Sometimes upwards of a 100 yds.) Before I post, I open it and set it next to me, set out my caller, get set quickly and start my sequences. After a couple of months of fermenting, seems it's all I can smell....but I've had great success using that method. "Old school"!
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I hear cooking bacon on the stand is a secret knockout cover and attractant scent strategy.
Originally Posted By: GCI hear cooking bacon on the stand is a secret knockout cover and attractant scent strategy.

Hey, it works!

Originally Posted By: GCI hear cooking bacon on the stand is a secret knockout cover and attractant scent strategy.

Works really well for black bears also, we found this out in the 4 Corners area in Az.
Originally Posted By: GCI hear cooking bacon on the stand is a secret knockout cover and attractant scent strategy.

i wonder how it would work when deer hunting

ive had does walk in when i was wraming up some soup for lunch, but i cant say i've ever actually tried to cook out there in the woods
Originally Posted By: Plant.One
ive had does walk in when i was wraming up some soup for lunch, but i cant say i've ever actually tried to cook out there in the woods

Does like to eat grass me and my partner have peed on. They like to lick the grease off the camp stove, too. Oh, and they at least don't seem to mind both of us smoking at the same time, either. Sometimes, they even like to walk up and warm themselves by our campfire.

I'm not making any of that up, either!






and here i thought i was lucky because i fed some fawns baby carrots a few feet in front of my stand one year.... i was tossing them out the window every time momma would turn her back.

thats nothing short of awesome!

did you manage to sprinkle some salt under her tail too?
Originally Posted By: ackleymanOnce in a life time opportunity, sure you will never forget!!!

She looks very pregnant!

thanks for sharing!

Keith, not pregnant, dry. Fawns had all dropped a couple months earlier. Not once in a lifetime, either. Those pictures span three years

All in the same spot though and I think it's the same doe. It will totally take this thread off it's tracks, but I'll find a link to a trip report I did on another forum that tells the whole story of "Honey, the pizz eating doe".

Okay, edit here to add a couple links.

How we first met the pee eating doe in 2012

And part two: Return of the pee eating doe in 2015

Those are links to trip reports I posted on a wheeling forum I'm active on. Not hunting stories. And the reports are long. But the parts about that doe are short and buried in the main report. So, don't click 'em if that doesn't sound like anything you'd be interested in. Lot of pictures of nice muleys in velvet though, and some decent scenery.

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Originally Posted By: ackleymanOnce in a life time opportunity, sure you will never forget!!!

She looks very pregnant!

thanks for sharing!

Uh oh... Dave?
Can't be me. I was neutered after my youngest was born. Coincidentally, today just happens to be her (my daughter's) 14th birthday.

That doe was some mighty fine camp entertainment though

Although my grandpa doesn't coyote hunt. I've seen him go through a pack of cigarettes in a morning of deer hunting and see more deer then anybody. This man kills more and bigger deer then anybody else I know and he is actually the only person I know that smokes in the stand. Weird. Although coyotes might be different though.
Originally Posted By: DAACan't be me. I was neutered after my youngest was born. Coincidentally, today just happens to be her (my daughter's) 14th birthday.

That doe was some mighty fine camp entertainment though


Happy Birthday to the young lady!
I have been hunting coyotes for 40+ years. For the past 20 years I shower before I go using unscented soap and shampoo, camo is washed in same unscented, no brightners detergent.

I guess I should start smoking and quit bathing.
Originally Posted By: coyotezapperI have been hunting coyotes for 40+ years. For the past 20 years I shower before I go using unscented soap and shampoo, camo is washed in same unscented, no brightners detergent.

I guess I should start smoking and quit bathing.

that made me laugh out loud. don't forget to lose the razor and toothbrush while you are at it.
I’ve never smoked while on a stand but this year I’m gonna try. Maybe it’ll bring me some luck as in half way thru a smoke and suddenly they’ll start showing up at the wrong time lol
I'm a smoker....1/2 pack a day. But I never have set a stand and lit one up. But my hunt partner smokes like a chimney and always lights one up. I'm used to it after huntin with him consistently for the past 5/6 years. Either good or bad we've managed to kill a hella lot of coyotes/cats. I understand the wind, scent, smell thing all to well. When I'm by myself my stands are no more than 20-25 minutes and I'm usually no farther than 75-100 yds from the truck, so I can wait. Guess he can't? But do anyone else that smokes do this too?
Why would it matter if you smoke or not? If the wind is wrong and you smoke, they will smell you. If tye wind is wrong and you don't smoke, they will smell you! Lol.
Why would it matter if you smoke or not? If the wind is wrong and you smoke, they will smell you. If tye wind is wrong and you don't smoke, they will smell you! Lol.
Exactly. But i think that smoking while on stand will hinder you due to extra movement. Both flicking ashes, smoke curling up, whatever. Even if the wind is in your favor, there will be visual giveaways.
But as far as the smell, i really dont think it matters. Either the wind is wrong or its not. Im not really a smoker but enjoy a cigar on occasion. Generally not when im hunting, just at home, buta few years back i did park my truck, get out, smoke a cigar then hiked up to where i wanted to call bear. Very out of form for me but i did it that one time. Got right up to where i wanted to call, and saw a bear a couple hundred yards out. Sat down and made a fawn bleat and she came charging in. Dropped her at about 40 yards. If the wind was wrong i would have been screwed, cigar or not.