I hunted with guys that smoked, we slaughtered them. We also used sardines and rabbit urine, and had not had a bath in many days. I am a firm believer in giving yourself any edge you can come up with to get the older dogs. 60% of what you kill are yearlings, start checking their teeth.
When you are able to see your down wind side, you can see a coyote circling. Hunting in thick cover is a real challenge, you just never know when you have spooked one.
Hunting the leading edge of a low pressure front, in the right moon phase, major feeding periods is huge...this is when you can hunt in a Santa Clause suit. We had a barometer in the truck, pressure dropping means hunt, hunt, hunt. Pressure rising means scout, and don't educate them, at least you get to get out of the house.
There is nothing like hunting in an area with a high density coyote population that is not educated. We got into hunting off of gaited horses in Az to get to areas that were not accessible to trucks....we hammered them hard. We would tie up the horses, back off 100 yards or so. I have a spotted saddle horse that would start digging with a front foot when he saw a coyote, he knew that I was about to shoot and he hated gun shots. The coyote would hear him stomping and digging the ground with his front foot, stop and stare, BAM dead coyote. He would start snorting when he smelled Javelina also, they are easy to call in with a coarse hand call, when season is in. "Scout" was like riding a big bird dog, now 33 years old.