Slam Bam Coyote

No Jeremy, we don't have crop circles here. This particular field was picked the day before. It had 3 cuts of corn about 1,000 yds. deep by 235 yds. wide (about 43 acres) but this was only one part of a much larger field the rest of which is planted in soybeans.
That sure was sweet. Nice work there, them jaspers can be pretty tough. I was kinda surprised on here how many folks perfer the .204 for yotes. When I used one here mostly summer time yotes the only ones that dropped were head shots. All my body shots ran, I never lost one. Just had to bring in my dog to recover it most took a 2nd round from a 22 mag to finish off. Iā€™m not knocking the 204 just sincerely surprised by its popularity for coyotes. I shot 50 grain v max out of my 22-250 they were screamers and hammered yotes. I was surprised to see yours not just fold up.
Nice shot Owen ! Always amazing how they just appear, masters at using the terrain they are. Takes a couple hunts to shake off the rust.
My freezer is overflowing with walleye so I ended our season a couple days ago. Saddened my fishing partner for sure. Had my first eye surgery yesterday & have another in a couple weeks to eliminate cataracts to improve my vision, so they tell me, lol.

Started my season couple weeks ago as I had the same urge as you. Got downwinded instantly then called in a small pup. Dropped a female on my 3rd stop šŸ˜ƒ !

I think I will be sidelined for several weeks so good luck & all you guys start thinning them out šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼ !
Thanks again for the comments. Yeah Kino, I'm 77 but enjoying the ride. OCT, I was surprised he got back to his feet as well. That doesn't usually happen with the 250. Mick, good to see you back. I've been expecting 1trkyhntr to check back in any day as well. I had cataract surgery years ago and it will greatly improve your vision. Be sure to take the drops as prescribed to aid in healing. You'll be good as new in about a month.
I had cataract surgery years ago and it will greatly improve your vision. Be sure to take the drops as prescribed to aid in healing. You'll be good as new in about a month.
+1 Yep, took me a while to figure out what that object was near the muzzle of my rifle.....hadn't seen it in years. :ROFLMAO: Almost as amazing was the brilliance of colors afterwards.
That's the truth Clarence. It was like I had been looking through one of those old boat plexiglass windshields that has turned yellow from being in the sun. That's exactly what I told me wife. I couldn't believe how white everything was and how brilliant the colors were after surgery. Mick will be a terror on the coyotes when that is healed good.