You're making strawman arguements because you won't let facts get in the way of your feelings. I never called the 6cm revolutionary, but it is an improvement over the .243. They have an identical H2O volume for powder. They have identical velocities for all grain weights..... until you hit 100gr, then it's game over for the .243 with a 10 twist or slower. I can and have shot 115gr Dtacs in my 6cm. I regularly shoot 105gr, 108gr, and 112gr bullets. The .243 can't do that. It isn't capable unless you get a barrel that isn't Sammi spec, then it could do what a 6cm can do, but you'll have to handload, because there is zero factory ammo made for .243 with high bc bullets. As far as reviews, they released it Thursday, nobody has ever seen one.