6mm06, they can see some contrast of gray, that is about it, red is NOT in their realm of visual acuity, no matter how powerful or strong the red light is.
I just shot a coyote standing in the road in front of my UTV with a 24 Watt super high energy RED LED blaster and he just stood there, hogs do the same thing, as do deer and cows, it does not phaze them at all. No human being could stand in front of my UTV with that RED LED on and not shield or close their eyes from the pain, it is that strong!
Red is a color only trichromates can visualize, it is a natural anthropromorphic mistake to attribute the ability to see red to other animals, but very few outside of higher evolutionarily evolved primates with two legs have the biochemical ability to see red color.
This is similar to the fact that matadors use a red flag to wave bulls in the ring but it is just a show for people only, the bulls do not see red, all they see is the movement, as well as hear sounds and smell smells.
Also, when coyotes bite into an animal they do not see red blood, it is not red to them, it is dull gray, they only taste and smell it, red is only something you see from the hemoglobin molecules reflecting red light from all the white light that is absorbed by the blood, leaving only the red light reflected to your eyes.