Shooting Nevada coyotes


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Here’s a couple trigger cam videos from my son and I’s calling the past couple days. Sorry it’s a little out of focus but this trigger cams a little finicky with the parallax on this Night Force NX8.

The first video is from yesterday afternoon. We got set up on a little cattle pond and called into the foothills. The wind was coming out of the east but switched about half way thru the stand and started coming out of the north.

We had this 4 pack come sprinting in after the wind switch and they busted out to 510 yards. I had them come back in but our wind was horrible so I dialed the 6 creedmoor up and shot one of the 4. Here’s how the set up looked.


Here’s the video link:

The second video is from after we shot our antelope the other day. Again we had a wind switch and the coyotes checked up. This shot was around 480 yards and I made a pretty good shot off the tripod.

Here’s the video link:

We didn’t walk down the ridge for that coyote because we had to get the antelope taken care of. Looking at the video now. I’m still but hurt about missing that second coyote. Should have held a little higher.
Went out one last time this morning and worked a pack for about 45 minutes. Had to cut about 700 yards to get a little closer because they wouldn't commit on the first set. Once I got set up a second time I played an intruder pack and let out some dog brawls before going quiet. About 15 minutes into that set, I saw 6 coyotes coming over the sage brush ridge. That sage was fairly high and I couldn’t see them until they were right on top of me.

There were so many coyotes that I had a hard time choosing which one to follow. The lead (a big male) was coming in directly ahead of me at about 75 yards. He wouldn’t stop so I shot him frontal and got looking for another shot. It seemed like the freaking sagebrush was moving all in front of me. I found a second coyote to my right about 100 yards thru some sage and shot her. The others were pretty scattered into the sage at that point and I didn’t get another shot.

I can honestly say, I’m not to sure how I like 6 coyotes coming in at once haha. That was an absolute rush and a great end to my hunting trip back home.
Finally home and downloaded full trigger cam footage. Man I suck at day time recording on this thing but some of it turned out good. You can see them coming in at the first part then the action starts around 2 minutes in. I shouldn’t have sent those last two shots because it wasn’t so steady.

Shooting a tikka 22-250 with a 77 grain TMK. The first time using these and so far on 3 coyotes, they’ve been destructive and leave bigger exit holes. Not sure how I feel about them as my coyote bullet yet. Might stick with a 53 grain vmax.

How many coyotes were there? Thought I saw a 4th one when they were the closest? Gotta love it when they come in in coveys, doncha? Thanks for sharing. (y)
How many coyotes were there? Thought I saw a 4th one when they were the closest? Gotta love it when they come in in coveys, doncha? Thanks for sharing. (y)
I counted 6 total before the shooting started.
There was one that stayed further back and that second one I shot stayed out to my right.

Yeah I’ve never had that many come in before. Almost didn’t know where to start haha.