Scandinavian hunting adventures! (Updates along the pages, lots of pics)

All right, new fox kill! First one called in this year! ¨

Tuesday afternoon i took the rifle on my back and jumped on the snowmobile, this winter has been a bust condition wise. No snow and no cold weather
I was really just gonna check the marten traps, but took the rifle with me just inn case the urges to make a set got too me! And they did witch were a good thing.

Checked all the traps, nothing inn them this time.. Were on my way home again when i thought too my self, what the h***, i should try a set. So i parked the snowmobile some distance away and walked too the stand i build this summer. I climbed up and started calling, after about 20 minutes i looked back and i saw the fox coming out of the timber, 160m away. I moved my rifle to and took aim, he was clearly inn heat as he was marking on every tree he passed as he was making his way towards me, i got my rifle on him and squeald with my lips, he stooped behind a tree stump with just the head showing, i got the dot in reticle on his head and pulled the trigger, drooped on the spot!


Big male fox.
Well today was a bummer, 2 misses, and a owl attack...

I missed the first fox at noon today and my buddy missed one in the moonlight too night.

I got attacked by a owl at the last set for the night, just inches from getting my head.. pretty cool experience!

Going after some Swedish foxes this weekend. The hunting spirit lives on.
Awesome thread. It's nice seeing how other people hunt across the world. Is there a good demand for fox pelts and other fur over there? I think a lot of the fur here in the US goes to China for winter clothing etc.
Yee freakin yee!

Got a doubele on the bait tonight! Vixen and a male, vixen only had 3 1/2 legs! And the male was the only fox i have shot with nosler ballistic tip that has run after the shot! He made it 50 yards before he layed down!

So it's the middle of the night here now, but i can't sleep.. got a vixen and a male talking together not far from the farm, making a h*ll of a racket... have to get up and milk them cows in 3 hours too. Good thing the boys are heading over for some hound fun tomorrow!

And i found a picture with something in the background Mr."Skinney" maybe recognize

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It's been a while since my last post i, not much action on the hunting side either, farm work has taken most of my time.
Fox season ended with 10 foxes, witch is the crappiest year since i started some years ago. Guided a beaver hunt to success for the hunter, and i got my first bath outdoors in April. It was COLD!

Have seen some foxes with pups while harvesting grass for the cows for the winter, and some nice roe bucks as well! Got some lick stones out with trail cams, i will post some pictures if i get some nice roe, reds or moose's on there.

See ya!

These are awesome posts, FoxDropper. Keep them coming. I love to read your posts, the hunting there in Norway is interesting because it's the same in some ways to my hunting, yet also very different.

If you don't mind my asking, what do you raise on your farm? Strictly dairy cows, or do your raise other animals?

Keep them coming, really interesting to see things from a different part of the world.

"The famous grouse"- Yes only dairy cows on the farm.

"Chad1754"- Thank you.

One week to opening night for foxes, looking forward to that! Going into the Norwegian army in the beginning of August, so i'm missing the Roe buck opener this year i guess... Will try and post from the hunts i do on leave from the army. Hope you all understand that.

Here's a pic from capercaillie hunting in November.

Thanks Michaeluk and Possumal.

It's officially just 24 hours to season kick off! Can't wait.

I'm on instagram as well "Augusthlid", some more photos from hunting and fishing in Scandinavia.