Ruger SFAR

Well I got one. 16” in .308.
Only shot one mag through it on setting 1 with a Banish 30.
Performed flawlessly. No case damage. No FTF or FTE. I’d shoot 5 rounds and give it a few minutes to cool, then another 5 until the bolt locked back on empty.
Yes, it’s just 1 mag but all the horror stories had me doubting I’d make it through even one without hiccups.
Ammo was name brand 150gr…Federal, Hornady, Remington, etc.
Well I went ahead and put the AGM on it and got her sighted in with 165gr Remington CoreLokts.
Just so happened that evening as I was about to head to bed the camera went off and revealed hogs on camera.
Got the wife’s blessing and took off. I parked a little farther than normal and grabbed the Primos tripod vs the DeathGrip. Turned out to be a good decision.
Got to within 75-80yds and dropped the biggest sow. Now normally the pigs stay low and multiple accurate shots are allowed. This group decided they hadn’t ever heard a suppressor before and ran straight up to me. So I free handed and got a couple shots off just to keep from getting run over. Pretty sure one was hit due to the squeals. I scanned around and found one standing in the low section about 125yds out. Put the crosshairs on her and squeezed a round and she dropped.
I let things quiet down but the wind switched and I knew it was up.
I found both that dropped and figure buzzards will find anymore that were hit.


So far so good. We’re on vacation now but have one of my boys that didn’t tag along feeding for me. Friday, when we return back to the US I’ll be after them again!!
I’m really liking this rifle and using a semiauto!!