Man Guys,
This has been a blast!!
Sorry for the late response at the end, but me and Rusty have been going 900mph the last hour. To get this done early was a chore, and once again I apprecaite yall being good sports.
It was tough, but I knew some of yall would pick out the hard ones. I dont have the pics zoomed up yet, but I will try and get that done for yall. In the meantime, I will give you a list of coyotes on the cover with their location.
18 Dead coyotes down in front. (front cover)
5 Hanging in the background. (front cover)
1 on our logo (front cover)
1 logo coyote on the spine (spine)
1 logo coyote on the back (back cover)
1 sniper styx logo (back cover)
2 Foxpro Logo (back cover
5 in the film strips(top right was a bobcat) (back cover)
The hard ones!
8 on our hats that sported the Foxpro logo (front cover)
and of course the hidden coyote!
1 in the reflection of my scope. (front cover)
That my friends adds up to 43 coyotes.
Thanks for your patiece!! I am interrested in who all got the coyote in the scope, it is a tough one, and we didnt see it till our editor pointed it out to us. I knew the hats would be tough, but with a little Logo knowledge you can figure it out.
Tell us what all you found!
Take care,