Pray for Those Effected by Helene and Those Soon to be Affected by Milton

Wife is worried crazy about her sis who's between JAX and Daytona. The widows going to collect at one place to ride it out. Or maybe all 'go' at the same time.
FEMA claims to be broke but the inspector general says they still have billions.

OR....did they loot the FEMA fund and just got busted by the IG

if the news "photo" / depiction i saw of this hurricane is realistic, this new one is a beast, looked to as wide as several states with the middle a deep purple color indication extremely severe power. :eek:
up to 10 foot storm surge predicted in some areas. helene was up to 15 foot.

this is going to get bad, very bad.
Track is now further south than it was, taking it right over 2 of my friends. They're bugging out to the east coast now