Out of commission

Thanks everyone for the comments and stories, enjoyed the replies.
Right wrist isn’t any better today, so going in for X-rays this afternoon.
X-rays revealed a fractured bone in the wrist.
Currently have a temporary cast until I see the specialist tomorrow.
This will definitely put a damper on the coyote hunting. Good thing there’s lots of great stories on this site to keep me entertained. (y)
Just got a phone call from the Doctor/Specialist and I’m in for surgery @ 7:30 am tomorrow.
I tip my hat and have full respect to all the medical staff I dealt with today.
Good job with the 204. Hope your injury heals well. The older I get the more precaution I have to take. Aged bones break like twigs.
Very nice hunt and write up, I take a couple of tumbles every year pheasant hunting and the old Winchester Model 12 shows it;)
Tough ole shotguns. I had my grandfathers Winchester model 1912 for years before passing it to my son and.now grandson. It’s made 5 generations and still going.
Takes rough treatment better than I lol
I had surgery on my wrist last Wednesday and now in a cast until February 1st. Likely no more coyote hunting until next fall.
Unfortunately it is my dominant hand. The Doc. went a little nuts with the cast as I barely can see my trigger finger and it goes almost to my elbow. I’m currently watching in the video cameras, my wife shovelling snow and filling the bird feeders. She’s a trooper!