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Well I'm going to try my best and jog down a few notes with two extremely sore wrist of which one is swollen and doesn't want to cooperate on the keyboard.
Today started out like many other outings with a casual walk from the vehicle to a calling spot at first light. The temperature was a few degrees below the freezing point and there was very little breeze which should be ideal for calling a coyote into shooting range. My plan was solid but just needed the coyotes to do their part now.
Set up on a small hilltop with a narrow stand of trees at my back and a vast field of view to the north.

Only the sounds of some ravens who were far off in the distance could be heard just prior to my bite distress call being put to use. Nothing subtle with this call as I'm sure the soundwaves carried as far as I could see and likely further. It didn't take long to see a coyote coming hard across the far slough and at the speed it was travelling, it shouldn't take long to close the distance. As the coyote disappeared behind a knoll I took the opportunity to scan my nearby surrounding which showed another coyote standing directly west of me. This coyote is looking for its breakfast as I swing crosshairs onto fur. Now loading the rifle with a cartridge prior to calling would have been beneficial as I pulled the trigger on an empty chamber. Open the bolt and quickly toss a cartridge in as the coyote eyes me up before busting back towards the trees. I squeeze a shot off which hits the coyote but he manages to make the trees. (Later ranged the shot at 137 yards).

Focus is back to the large slough bottoms to the north which reveals a couple coyotes who are "not" heading my direction. Not much chance of calling them back but decided I would try anyways. Reached for my cow horn howler but opted for the bite call instead. Let fly with some distress cries which results in zero interest form either departing coyote. As I tuck the call away, I see a single coyote emerge from the cattails and trotting my direction. The coyote is coming directly at me which was encouraging but at roughly 300 yards, it starts cutting east to try catch my scent. Uncertainty how this will play out eases as the coyote starts a southern travel route once again. The coyote stops twice to look around before moving forward but on its third pause, I send a bullet from the .204 on its way which finds its mark. Ranged from the coyote back to the bush where I sat at 151 yards.

Packed up and walked west to where I seen the first coyote enter the trees. The coyote didn't make it very far into the bush before expiring. From there I walked to the second one for a picture and the plan from there was to drive to one more spot before heading home. On the walk back, I took a short cut through a thin stand of trees and that is where i had my pile up. Unknown to me, there was a barbwire from a long forgotten fence hid in the grass which I tripped on. I tried to catch my balance as I was falling forward but without success. Both hands reached out to break my fall but I hit the ground hard. My right wrist was in pain and the left wrist wasn't a whole lot better. Nothing looked to be broken and the rifle looked fine but it may need to have zero checked before I go out again ( which won't be anytime soon). This session of typing has taken some time but there isn't much else I can do right now. A Happy New Years Eve everyone!
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Well congrats on getting a double. Very sorry to hear that you took a tumble and you got hurt. Hopefully it won't keep you down very long. Again great story with outstanding picture. And Happy New Year.
Damn barb wire fences. That has happened to me as well but I was fortunate to regain my balance before I hit the ground. Speedy recovery and happy new year.
Hope you get back in the saddle soon.

My nemesis this year has been stepping in holes at night, 3 times so far, luckily only my pride has been hurt.
The good news is the hunt was eventful. That would suck to get hurt and not get fur on the ground.

I got taken out by a barbed wire fence once while turkey huntin. Tried to sneak up on a group of them. Shot and wounded one. Ran after it and got hit ankle high. Same type of deal except I didn't get hurt. I ended up killing the turkey. Bad part was I had some momentum so it flung me over the fence and I landed in a field that had manure spread over it. I rolled when I hit the ground so I stunk pretty bad.
Nice hunt. I fell very hard on cement once and fractured a wrist. I was told it was just a sprain but it got worse and worse because I did a poor job of letting it heal. Eventually a doctor told me it was actually broken and required a titanium screw implanted surgically, and it still nags at me from time to time. I hope yours is/are not broken and you heal up quickly and completely.

Happy New Year
Always like your pics and stories. Hope you get healed up so we can enjoy more of them.
We have all been “tripped up”, some just hurt their pride as Alf said while others get bruises or sprains. Some of us, on the other hand break and dislocate “things”!!
You're doing it all wrong! I was in horrible pain in my knee but went hunting anyways New Years Eve. After the first "night" stand I bent over to pick up my caller and fell forward. My wrist are fine because I broke the fall with my face.
First "blood" of the year but all mine.
I won't be hunting for a while either.
Congrats on your success and hopefully your wrists will heal quickly!