On the Board-Finally


Well-known member
It has been a long dry spell for me. I quit calling mid-May because I just couldn't get a good stand in before it got too late. My wife has been having sleep issues for about a year now and although it has improved she still struggles some nights. I plan to start back calling Sept. 1st since sundown will be around 7:30 and getting earlier every day. My bait pile didn't produce much last year with only 4 coyotes total. That was way down from my average of 12-15 every year. I'm surrounded by soybeans that are so high this year I can only see the antlers on the deer walking in the beans, so no chance to see a coyote until they are harvested in October. This one showed up just before daylight Monday morning and returned last night around 10. I shot him about 10:22 last night. It was a 100 yd. headshot with the 22-250 and Super Yoter. Looked like about a 2 year old male but really pretty color fur although still short and no sign of ticks which is unusual. Anyway, it was good to get back on the board again.



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Thanks to all of you. Hopefully we'll all have something to post. I'm sure hoping weekender can get that black coyote before a deer hunter kills him.
Outstanding DU! Congrats! I haven't even thought about getting started yet, but man, you guys are getting me thinking for sure! Stay after em!
Thanks guys, and I managed to get my first called coyote of this season last night. You can read that story and see the video in the night calling subforum. I don't think my wife of 46 years would take kindly to me telling her to run a lap. :)
Thanks guys, and I managed to get my first called coyote of this season last night. You can read that story and see the video in the night calling subforum. I don't think my wife of 46 years would take kindly to me telling her to run a lap. :)
One good thing about being married 46 years, she ain't going anywhere.
That's true DLR, but only because we are anchored in Jesus. My first attempt didn't end so well after 9 years, but I was living an ungodly life during that time.
Today, September 7th, My wife and I are celebrating 40 years together. She told me if I ever left her she would hunt me down and kill me. I’m not taking any chances! 😆
My first wife died of cancer after 22 years of marriage. I remarried and now have 23 years and counting. Time gets away.