OK ... Done with MidwayUSA.

Done with USPS also. One day from Ca to Tx,out for delivery (not). Back & forth across town couple times. Went to PO, they said just 'wait for it'. It's travellling now - to where - nobody knows.
I haven't used Midway for a few years but a week ago, I needed some butt pads and they had the best price, same with an ARC FL sizer. Shipping was fast and inexpensive with $99 + free shipping.

Shipping is weird no matter who the shipper is. I order a lot of stuff that I can't find locally which is just about everything but food. Stuff will go right past the town I live in and then spend three days going from hub to hub before coming back here. It used to bother me but it is the way it is. A couple things have been lost and surprisingly at the same hub. I use Amazon prime for a lot of my stuff so refunds and replacements have been easy.
Same here. I ordered 500 berry's .308 bullets, they showed up in the same state. After they went from St. Louis to NYC on its way to Kansas...
I ordered some stuff from them the other day
Bought some Rotors for my RCBS Little Dandy powder throw, 100 cases for my 357 Mag and 2000 Primers.
Ordered Wed night, got tracking on Thursday saying it would be delivered on Friday.
Friday came and got a notification from UPS saying they didnt have the package and it would be delayed.
Finally got the package on Tuesday.
And I live 2 hours from Midway
The bad thing even 2hr drive costs more than shipping. Covid may be a none item now but it sure screw up shipping, and it's going to take a long time to recover.
A couple things have been lost and surprisingly at the same hub.
I retired @ turn of century having operated a business for 25 years which was heavily into shipping parts so I was quite familiar w/USPS & UPS issues. Tracking was not as effective back then as it is today, so it was not as easy to determine the bottlenecks as it is today. I have to say, in those 25 years, I can remember less than half a dozen USPS lost shipments and even less damaged shipments (partially due to our policy of packaging, often heavy, parcels that "could be run over by a truck"), alas, apparently a long lost art in most shipping departments today.

Back then, all USPS outbound mail first went to a hub, located 40 miles away. Early on, we shipped 6 days/week until I determined that parcels shipped on Saturday were often delayed and any lost parcels had predominantly been shipped on Saturday. Investigation w/local postmaster revealed that the normal hub did not work on Saturdays and all outbound mail was routed to another hub located approximately 125 miles away. We stopped shipping on Saturday and subsequently had far fewer issues.

Fast forward 20+ years. I've been liquidating the loading room of my best friend for his widow and subsequently my own over the past couple of months, using USPS flat rate priority almost exclusively. Having shipped a lot parcels, most of which were delivered in good time/shape, still packaged so "they can be run over by a truck". I have experienced no losses, but have had three issues w/very slow delivery of parcels, all of which were in the great lakes area! This would point to one or more problem hubs. While some current tracking provides stop by stop report, most simply say "in transit to next facility" until "out for delivery" at destination. Trust me, even the originating PO cannot located the parcel at any stage between the first hub and the destination! "Sorry, tracking is not real time, it is simply history". Fortunately all three did make it, but caused lots of heartburn on both ends for a while.
Just arrived today, half the order leaked out. From Amazon via UPS. Amazon already refunded the loss. I love doing business with them, they have the stuff I can't find near me.
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I ordered some Hiawatha Valley from MT earlier this year and the jar came open during shipping.

Imagine how the deliver driver must have felt.
I ordered a part from Ca store. Took a day to get to Tx, out for delivery - nope - went across town to the 'center' 2 times! Finally got it 3 wks later, after I went to PO and complained.
I’m about to put them on the last resort list as well.
I started ordering reloading supplies from them close to 40 year ago. Free shipping on everything and it was on your doorstep in 2-3 days. The best shipping at the time bar none.
Fast forward 40 years ,and their shipping is one of the worst.
I hate to tell you this ...its NOT them
They literally have your items boxed up
(maybe not the best ?) but at the loading dock
and on the truck in a few hours or faster after you order it..

It the sob USPS they have become absolutely abhorrent to deal with
They have lost more items this past year 2024 than I can remember ...
absolutely no accountability

Their tracking is a JOKE

never on time as promised
I just paid 20 dollars for my AB Raptor adaptor and a Reardon Atlas XL
hub ..weighs nothing ..both titanium . came from Indianapolis to me
SE MI ...a 3.5 hr drive ...
Ordered on sunday ...received saturday 6 days later and that was premium
shipping ...That is what we are given today !! UPS isn't much better ...

I was having a beer with my brother talking about how the gold standard
USPS has fallen into the abyss..
He said every fat assed American is ordering every damn thing online now
all their groceries etc because they are too lazy to get it themselves
and the whole system is overwhelmed ...

Makes sense
I ordered a part from Ca store. Took a day to get to Tx, out for delivery - nope - went across town to the 'center' 2 times! Finally got it 3 wks later, after I went to PO and complained.
Exactly twice I had items make complete circles around the nation 2 times...after 2 weeks I cancelled the orders
who knows they may still be in transit in Alaska by now ?