I always belived in fixed blades, and I would still be shooting them if I could find a single one that will fly worth a darn from my new Mathews Monster. It just shoots so darn fast, I don't think any broadhead can stand it. I tried my trusty old Muzzy's, Strikers, Montec's, & Slik Trick's, before finally trying the Rage 3 blade. I was going broke trying out broadheds, they all shot like crap accuracy wise. I need to hit where I'm aiming and that's all there is to it. The Rages fly exactly like a field point, and the two deer I hit with them died very quickly with complete pass throughs. I will be using them again this year and have good confidence in them. I am switching to the 2 blade Rage's however, they seem to leave much larger holes and bleed twice as much from what I've seen.