Originally Posted By: bowhunter57Originally Posted By: TjkillerI ended up right back where I started 25 yrs ago, thunderheads. I was playing with mechanicals and started loosing arrows from not getting pass thrus. Id get pass thrus but only under 20 yds for the most part. I switched back to theads and havent lost an arrow since.
I blame part of this on the commercialization of the archery industry.
Often bowhunters get carried away with the idea of larger holes in deer and it comes at the cost of the loss of penetration. Common sense dictates that 2 holes bleeding are better than 1.
Bowhunters that are shooting a 1 1/8" cutting diameter fixed blade broadhead will switch to a 1 1/2" cutting diameter mechanical broadhead and 2 things happen...
1. There's a loss of penetration, because it takes more K.E. to push that larger cutting diameter through a deer. Plus, the deployment of the blades.
2. There's only one hole...an entrance hole with no exit wound for blood trailing. Very few bowhunters have the tracking skills necessary to find a deer, without a blood trail.
Such commercial ads as, "Bad to the Bone", leads bowhunters to believe that there's bone splitting capabilities with the use of their broadheads. A bow kills by way of hemmorage ie. blood, this is NOT a rifle, it's a bow...shoot the soft tissue areas that will bleed. Other ads like, "It's like throwing an ax through an animal", is hog wash. An ax is an ax and a wider cutting diameter mechanical broadhead...without increase K.E. is a loss of penetration and a lost animal.
Originally Posted By: Tjkiller The POI isnt the same as field parts at least form any of my bows. I used muzzys for a while but I think Theads are better.
Try shooting some short ferrule broadheads, of your brand of choice. You'll find that the same P.O.I. will become the same...assuming your bow is tuned properly.
The shorter ferrule allows for less wind drag, which allows for less "steering" of the arrow and improved flight charactoristics.
When it's all said and done, each bowhunter has to use what works for them...and stay with it.
Archery is full of personal choices and that's what attracts so many to it.
Good hunting, Bowhunter57
Great post and good advice Bow57. I've been on the broadhead merry go round before and will be shooting G5 Strykers or Slick Tricks this year and don't intend to turn back. I used Thunderheads for 20 years + with a few dozen kills but don't like their flight characteristics at longer range.