NYS Coyote Hunters


Told ya, handgunr's always helpful!!

Another thing is to give him a proper rest. At least a week I'd say, from your last attempt.

For a decoy you can use a feather tied to a limb off to the side so that when it moves it draws attention away from you.

I think Carver Calls is listed on the sponsors page of this site. They are one sweet sounding call. Take a look and you'll see the "bullet call" Bob is talking about. I think any sound will do as long as it's different than what you'd used on him recently.

CoyoteSmoker, meant to ask if you ran with the hound hunters over your way?

No, I don't. There was someone from out of the area that came into the Guilford area and ran dogs all over everybody and got the land owners all POed. But haven't heard of anyone lately running them.

I know some laid-off construction workers between Utica and Herkimer that do very well in the winter. Last year they came out with 45-50 dogs. One was said to be about 55 lbs and got $60 for the hide. But you know how storys grow. LOL
yes extremely helpful- im itching to get this work day done and get out there hunting for this weekend! can't come fast enough. your advice was quite good too, i think being right on top of the fox is a mistake i didnt think of.

Isn't anyone having any luck?

If you are, PLEASE share your tips and pointers with us poor souls who are......hmmmmm... let's call it struggling along this season. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smiliesmack.gif

So far, my record is...too miserable to mention. I did miss recently, TWICE and found out my rifle was off by a lot. Now that I've got it dialed back in I probably won't see a thing. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused1.gif

This season has been tough, but still I'm having one h*ll of a fun time trying. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-003.gif

Called in 3 two Sunday's ago. I saw a flash out of the corner of my eye and dismissed it as it was snowing. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smiliesmack.gif
Then last Saturday afternoon, had one come in just over the hill and she sat there giving me the devil, but never came any closer. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/angry-smiley-055.gif

That's the only ones I know of that have come in. Real slow over here on this side of the hill.

Did you get into the hunt down in Sullivan County? Read they took 39 dogs in 3 days. Not to bad.
I'm 2 for 3 so far this year. I also took some hair off the first cat I ever called in /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif. This year has been real slow for me also. This warm weather hasn't made them that desperate for food I think. Things would change if it would stay down in the single digits for a couple of weeks. Here's the two /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-003.gif


Glad to hear you guys are at least having some come in. I just can't catch a break. Missed a coyote and a fox. That's all I have to show for my efforts. Found out the rifle was way off. It's back to zero now though.

Smoker, I didn't hunt in that one. Edge, isn't Ellenville in Sullivan county? Maybe you could give us an update on that in if you have the info.

Those are some nice photos. Something about that second coyote. His face pattern/coloration looks ... wolfish or something. I'm not suggesting wolf by any means, but I do find the pattern looks unique. Maybe it's just the photo. Any details on that one?

Good hunting.
Freebm, Ellenville is in Ulster. No it's not the pic the dog does look like that. I thought the same thing when it was comeing down the hill side and I was looking at it through the scope waiting for an opening to shoot through. It deffinatly doesn't look like the one in the top pic. It weighted about 43-45 lbs and was very stocky for a female coyote. It's K-9 teeth seem to be rather long for a coyote also.
I usally hunt up mountain sides in my area. I try to set up were I can see 100 yards or so up the hill to see any movement before they see me. I've shot most of my dogs doing it this way. It seems that they feel safe looking down from an elavated position and it dosen't bother them to expose them selves this way. Let me know if you need any more info, I'd be more than happy to help ya.
I've passed the exit for Ellenville many times on my way down route 17 going towards Middletown. For some reason I that that was still Sullivan County. And many, many years ago one of my uncles killed a nice 10pt buck in Ellenville. (think it's the only deer he's killed!!!)I was really young and always remember thinking ,man I want to hunt in Ellenville. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

You have some nice hills over that way. I hear there's quite a few bear too.

Anyway that coyote was big. Especially as you say for a female. When I hunt the woods, I try to set up so I can see a decent distance too. If possible, I'll set-up so that I'm watching a thick cut over area that gives the coyotes some degree of cover on their approach but still affords me with a shot. So far this season, my plan hasn't been working so well.

What sounds/calls are you getting them to respond to?

Going out this afternoon. Just can't pass up the chance to be in the woods.

Good Hunting. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-003.gif
Yea the exit is in sullivan, but the town is about 12 miles from their. Every onw and then someone shoot a nice buck here. Ever sence the DEC put the 3 point rule in effect it's been getting better. This year someone shot a 150 class here. I didn't see it but my taxidermist told me about it because it's in his shop. You hit it on the nose w/the bears. They'er getting to be a pain. I'm getting tired of shooting them, if you can believe it.

This year seems to harder to get them to come in for me also. I think it hasen't been cold enough to make them desperate for every screaming rabbit. I use a pee-wee size criter-giter distress, standard size for the windy days, and a Brad Holzer custom cow horn howler bought from this site. I get about 60% of my dogs via the howler. I can't say enough good things about that call. I think because nobody around here uses one. I have howled them in at all times of the day, but the log I keep shows about 50/50 morning & night.

If you ever want to hunt Ellenville just drop me a pm and we'll work out some dates. Good luck.
Thanks for the invite. May take you up on it.

That's some rifle you have there. What is it? I'd be sure not to lay it down. Might be a wee bit hard to find. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

Made a stand last night on at one of my regular spots. Went in from a different direction. Wind was just about 0. Sky was cloudless and the moon brite. Set the caller up with the decoy about 50 yards north. Started with lighting jack distress for 10 minutes. Sat quietly and listened to a fox barking at me. Next I lone howled. After another 5 minutes of silence put the caller back in duty with a female howl about 3 minutes of silence then the wounded coyote pup. Started loud then turned it down real low for 20 minutes.

At the 40 minute mark I called it quits. Sat there about 5 more minutes in silence just to make sure.

Picked up my gear and head back to the vehicle. Well wouldn't you know it. I had gone about 300 yards when I heard a bark. I slowed down and took my hood off. When I started to walk again they opened up. Barking and howling like crazy right where I was at. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif It was sort of like when you call to a gobbler for a while but get no response. After a while you leave, just to have him open up where you were an hour ago.

I'm sure they got wind of me after I left. But the barking and howling didn't seem like that bark they give you when they come in downwind. This was more like "hey, where the heck are you at?" Just like the way they respond to a locator howl. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/angry-smiley-055.gif

Anyway that's my excitement for last night.

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif Glad to see someone is getting some action. Nice pics. That is some nice area down that way especially in the fall. I have been working down in Pine Bush. They had a predator hunting contest down that way recently. I think it was Sullivan County.
Thanks it's a remy sps in .223, with a weaver V16 that I camoed myself from the info off this site. I haven't had that happen w/coyotes but have had it happen with turkeys like you said a few times. It just makes you shake your head as you leave the woods. Good to hear that you had some action though.

wmig2, yes they did have a contest in sillivan county. It was for any dog shot in NY. $2300.00 was for first place for the heaviest dog for the 3 days. It also included an all you could eat roast beef dinner sunday afternoon. They'll be holding it next year so don't miss out.
Anybody having success in the woods?

Been out a few times and not seeing much. Had 4 come across my trail about 200 yards from the stand last Saturday AM. Unfortunately they weren't coming to the call. The snowmobiles pushed them from another block of woods!!! I saw the tracks crossing mine on the way back to to vehicle. There was a group of 3 (one which walked in my tracks for 10 yards) and about 100 yards further down the field edge another single track crossed mine. I'm hunting 1/2 mile from the car in the deep woods and the snowmobiles are pushing them across wide open spaces. Go figure. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smiliesmack.gif

Not much time left to score. I'll keep at it until the end.......
Where are the NY guys?

The seasons been open for two days and no reports yet???

What a bunch of slackers!!!!! LOL /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
went out last night, didn't see a single dog. several deer, a cat, and a possum. was very damp out, the yotes just didn't seem like they were moving. i was out practicing with the bow tonight and there howling over on the other ridge, oh well we'll be back on them again soon enough.
Hopefully I'll be able to get in a couple of stands this weekend.

This weather is ....raw. Seems like it's cutting right through me. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif Time to get the longjohns out of storage. I like to be comfortable on the stand.

Good hunting.

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