NYS Coyote Hunters


More than likely, you'll get skunked more times than not. Generally, this is the case across the board for most guys.

I've had my luck, and it's kept my interest peaked. I guess I really loved to hunt coyotes a lot, because my first one came after a couple of years of hunting. You really gotta love it to stick with it that long I think.

Many go out with the misconception of nailing them right off, or coming home with two or three on that first trip. If they do nail one or two, depending on the local populations of them, they'll usually get the wrong idea about "how easy" it is to hunt them, and maybe why others seem to have so much trouble getting them.

On the other hand, guys like me that just don't seem to connect, ask themselves "what they're doing wrong" because they aren't connecting. I did that as well. But I also knew that I wasn't really doing anything wrong. Maybe some slight hunting modifications, but I had been hunting fox for many years prior to trying specifically for coyotes without seeing a lone coyote stroll in to my intended fox calling. I figured there was some differences there between them, and I just had to educate myself on "why".

Giving it an "honest or realistic effort", and actually knowing what that is, or what to expect, is key to preparing yourself.

Take care,
Good luck to everyone after this arctic blast. I would think this should bring some favorable conditions for calling those yotes. Warm weather is right around the corner. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-003.gif
Just wanted to show a pic of a north country coyote, my first! Home made E-Caller, Remington SPS Varmint .223 got it done.


Good Luck Fellas!
CONGRATS /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif Good looking dog!!

What part of the North Country did you get it in? If you don't mind me asking.
That's a beauty, great job. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinning-smiley-003.gif I'm going out in a little while waiting for the wind to settle down a little. It's going to be a cold one out there but you can't knock em down sitting in front of the T.V. or computer.

Nice score......congrats & welcome to PM.
Watertown, Tug Hill, where abouts ?.....Jefferson's a big place.
I was raised down around Parish/Colosse area for a good part of my life. Spent a lot of time hunting the north.


I read your hunt over on CoyoteMaster.com

Sorry to hear of the bad luck, but you did do your best there. It happens.
But, to see all those dogs coming in at the same time.....man, western was right......how often does that happen.
Give it another week and then head back and hit it again. You might not see "ol'e Big & Grey" show up......then again, they are a tough critter.

I'm expecting that to "possibly" happen when Dennis and I hit the Mayville area this weekend. But, I'd still be surprised to see it.....

I gotta check out one of Kerry's Howler's......got everything but......

Take care,
Nice dog JSE. Congrats.

Fred great pictures. Nice territory. Gamey looking. From the blood sign it looks like you only nicked his left ear. I bet he's really ticked and will be waiting to extract revenge on your next trip there. You might want to bring the 30 round click with you next time!!
That's a great spot. Give it a break for a little while and then knock em down for good this time. Your buddy might want to skip the partying the night before. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif I'm only 45 minutes from Cortland. I seen a big coyote right off 81 North just a few miles before Cortland on 2/14/07 mid morning on the day of the snow storm. I would have traded my luggage for shot at that dam yote. lol

Haven't posted in awhile as it has been a strange winter for me ( my wife took a job and it cut WAY down on my hunting). Have been out on some nice nights and mornings and have not had good action. I have, however, put some new features on the Bark at the Moon Site, such as a live chat room and online seminars. If anyone wants to check out the new features, here is a link...
Bark At The Moon Coyote Club

I hope to get out and call this weekend!

No not yet......

Want to head down there tomorrow.....

I was gonna head down there today, but it was calling for rain and Dennis had crap to do in Rochester, so we called it for today and figured on tomorrow. Somtimes I forget that he works all week and can only do personal stuff on the weekends.....being retired, I fail to pay attention sometimes....

Weatherwise, they figured Sunday was gonna be about perfect anyway, so it sounded like a plan.

Stretch for you Fred ?.......Hell that's a stretch for me.....it'd be a freakin' odyssey for you.......

Take care,

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