Never thought I'd almost see this thread slide to page 2.
Archery season is starting slow, so I decided to give the ole Verminator Tweety call a try about 5 PM, then figured I'd let it quiet down the last hour for any deer coming to the field. Well it wasn't 30 seconds before I had a yote coming through the woods right at me. I was caught off guard but figured I'd be able to get my bow off the hanger in time. Just as I reach the dang thing stops and looks right up the tree at me. Still not sure what I was, it got really nervous then turned around and slowly walked away with no shot. As usual, the dog trusts it's nose a good 90% and because it didn't smell me it was only mildly concerned.
Had a nice doe appear in the field at 5:30 for about half an hour - I'm waiting on a buck at this point. No buck, doe walks in to the uncut corn. I am packing up while up in the stand and hear noise in the woods. The coyote came back and is now chomping apples 20 yards away through thick, thick swampbrush. No shot. I lip squeak with bow in hand and got it's attention, but still no interest. (It is amazing how effective the lip squeak works in a pinch) Seconds later, a chipmunk below me moves in the leaves and the yote jumps the stream and comes running. It's now getting pretty dark and I'm having trouble seeing him even though he's almost below me.
I'm now at full draw but can't make him out through my bow peepsight, so I move slightly - yep, there he is - 2 yards from the base of the tree I was in. I look back through the peepsight (both eyes open), press the release trigger and hear THWAP!! The dog runs across the stream, then walks away, stumped at what just happened.
Anyone know how to skin a 4" diameter ash tree?, cuz I shot one dead nuts center that night. I can shoot five arrows into 4" at 40 yds but miss at 2!! That's why they call it "hunting" and not "shooting".
I'll be breaking out the new 17 Fireball w/30 gr. Bergers and the Foxpro one of these nights soon, that dog's number is coming due....