We're on the same page of music there.....I remember all those days of party permits, etc. Even though I can take all those deer on my Super Sportsman license, since last year I quit doing so and only take one, or what I need. I hunt for that big buck, and if he doesn't show during the season, I'll take a doe at the end for meat. This year nothing....hunted hard, but got disgusted and discouraged.
Hayzer912......welcome to PM..
NY coyotes are few & far between sometimes, but they are there and very rewarding when you get them to come in and nail one.
My hunting partner and I were discussing this while out in the woods hunting deer the other day. We both agreed that although they may be the same species as the western variety, they seem more closely related to wolves than their western brethren.
They are more elusive, much larger in size, and seem to act totally different. I've watched many video's of western coyote hunts and the yotes that are called in seem to respond more like our fox do up here. Sometimes leary and slow to come in, and other times blasting right in without a concern in the world.
Our coyotes 90% of the time will stop at the edges of cover and just sit there, apparently looking for the source of the calling to confirm that it's really dinner.
Now, when I call and get no visual response, I start to glass the woodlines for an image. Several times (even at longer ranges) I've seen them sitting upright looking my way. Just like they're waiting....
There's lots of great advice here at PM to get started...stick around........
Take care,