Not Happy w/the way NRA was run in the past? Please, don't just sit back and criticize, help do something to fix it.


Staff member
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Does the NRA still have the sway they once did? Membership is waning after the W. LaPierre corruption case found him guilty. Plenty of other good strong pro gun lobbyist groups out there today that are in the fight as well. I have belonged to GOA and recently joined FPC who were well in the fight against the ATF’s recent overreach (pistol brace rule for example). My research and own questions to friends in the NRA leads me to believe they were “late to the party” on that issue as well as others in the past several years.

I left the NRA in 2010 after 15 years of membership. When LaPierre and his right hand man, Chris Cox hinted the organization might support anti-gun Senator Harry Reid’s reelection bid back then, I cancelled mine and looked elsewhere. They were all smiles at the ribbon cutting event in Nevada at the new gun range (Clark County Shooting Park) Reid helped secure the land for and invited both men to attend.

Just my 2 cents.
WLP certainly was a disappointment and dealt a real blow to NRA when it all came to a head. NRA was, in the day, the #1pro 2A organization in the nation. WLP & his cohorts are now gone, Jeff Knox and four other "reform" candidates for the BOD were elected this past election which is a start, but they can use reinforcement to restore NRA to it's full glory. The petitions in above link are asking for that support in the next election. Click the bio link for each of the candidates above to read some very impressive bios!
While NRA has lost some of it's shine, they are still the organization most mentioned (translate to feared) by the politicians seeking to undercut the 2A and, IMO, is well worth saving. Price of entry is just your signature on the petition and a $.60 stamp; benefits from a strong NRA can be astronomical in this toxic political climate.
Aside from fighting for our 2A rights, NRA is second to none in firearms safety & marksmanship training/education, range development program and supporting of all types of firearms competition programs.
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Neal Knox, was elected to NRA BOD to help fix it and is asking for your help, please click link below:
Your Thoughts on the NRA Today?

Please see this link below to help get reform candidates on the board. Please read the bios, print out the petitions of any or all of those you choose to support and please, pass around to your friends.

We have a short 5 week window to gather these signatures​

The NRA reformers need your help to get Reform candidates on the ballot
I though Neal Knox had passed away! At one time he was editor for I think it was, Rifle magazine. Quit doing that to go to the NRA and got his throat slit by that a** in there now. I really liked Neal at Rifle magazine!
I though Neal Knox had passed away! At one time he was editor for I think it was, Rifle magazine. Quit doing that to go to the NRA and got his throat slit by that a** in there now. I really liked Neal at Rifle magazine!
You are absolutely correct, sir. Neal just goes w/Knox.....old habits hard to break. Jeff Knox, Neal's son has taken up where Neal left off. Thanks for pointing it out.
Originally, the NRA was founded to teach marksmanship to Civil War veterans. And yes, today, they still have great programs promoting gun safety and handling. But yet, the organization was for gun control before they were against it.

In the 1920’s and 1930’s the group supported restricting who could carry guns in an effort to decrease hostility and violence toward European immigrants.
In the 1960’s…to keep guns out of the hands of the Black Panthers as racial tensions were rising (Reagan was Governor in California then). Later, in 1968, the Gun Control Act saw the organization support extensive gun control measures. No one wants innocent people harmed by guns.

There is a history of the NRA compromising our rights, politically speaking, many times over the years. This recent corruption and conviction of leadership should bring serious concern and perhaps supporting other pro-gun rights groups isn’t such a bad idea.
That's fine, both are worthy of our support, but the more in this fight, the better and NRA is still a viable alternate.
I'm also life member of TSRA (which is a multi-faceted organization, supporting firearms competition, training and hunting in concert w/NRA) and support GOA and SAF as well. WLP set us back, but he is gone now and NRA is on the right road to regain that lost ground. Cleansing the BOD is the first step in that direction, IMO.
That's fine, both are worthy of our support, but the more in this fight, the better and NRA is still a viable alternate.
I'm also life member of TSRA (which is a multi-faceted organization, supporting firearms competition, training and hunting in consert w/NRA) and support GOA and SAF as well. WLP set us back, but he is gone now and NRA is on the right road to regain that lost ground. Cleansing the BOD is the first step in that direction, IMO.
Good riddance WLP!
Despite the problems with the NRA, they are still the org that Washington fears… We need them to fix the internal problems and get back in the fight! The opposition wants us infighting and will just smile and wait for us to divide so they can prevail. As for me, I’ll support all the organizations that will fight for the 2nd, including the NRA. Don’t give up on them, get involved and make it better.
FPC and GOA here, NRA is to far gone and not trying to change course fast enough. You're right about the NRA being the one dems talk about, but it lets the good ones fly under the radar a little easier, so they are helping in that regard.
I dropped out of the NRA in the 1980s. I had a little gun shop then and would receive a steady stream of mail asking for donations even to the point of wanting me to make the NRA my sole beneficiary in case of my death. It almost seamed that the requests went from requests to demands and I had enough. I did belong to a FFL action group and GOA and I happily donated and rarely received mail asking for my financial support
The opposition wants us infighting and will just smile and wait for us to divide so they can prevail. As for me, I’ll support all the organizations that will fight for the 2nd, including the NRA. Don’t give up on them, get involved and make it better.
Amen! Divide and conquer has increasingly become the favored MO of all enemies of our freedoms and we must not fall victim to their efforts to destroy our unity of purpose, whether it be our love for our democratic form of government or our 2nd amendment rights.
It almost seamed that the requests went from requests to demands and I had enough.
I have been a member of NRA since 1952; my wife and I are both Benefactor members currently and yes, the seemingly endless requests for donations can become burdensome, especially with both of us on the list. However, a call to 800) 672-3888 is all it takes to be removed from that mailing list.