Nighthawk Customs

William Suter

Well-known member
I'm not going to bash NH Customs in this post but they have bought and now own Cooper Firearms of Arkansas. I've sent three e-mails to them asking when my Cooper was made and have gotten zero response from them. I wouldn't think this would be a difficult question to answer. I just hope their service dept takes better care of their customers than what I'm getting. The Cooper's of Montana were fine rifles. I hope the ones coming out of Arkansas are the same quality of firearm and wish them only the best.
They make outstanding 1911s, so I would guess the rifles would be good as well.

SHOT Show is this week, so they probably don’t have anyone free at the moment.
One email was sent the first part of last week and the other two were two weeks before. Its not a big deal, just an easy question for someone to answer unless old records didn't come with the purchase of the company.
The nice thing about email is they don't have to be answered immediately. Also SHOT SHOW was this week so give it a little time.
The purchase and pick-up of the Cooper inventory happened so quickly that Nighthawk is still trying to sort things out. On top of that, they do not have access to all of the documents that Cooper had. That might include dates of manufacturer, what barrel maker was used at the time of build, etc. Here is a page where Dan Cooper was answering questions for people, but stopped because everyone kept asking him when their rifle was made. He also only knew info about the time he was there.
I realize they are busy and understand the document situation. I'm just like many gun owners that like knowing when their firearm was built. Why......who knows, we're just funny that way. Maybe when they get settled back in from the shot show they will have time to possibly respond. If not, its not the end of the world. Thanks Eric for the reply but in my search I had already seen that post and a few others. I wish Cooper had a site that listed their rifles and when they were made like Remington and a few others do. Its a great rifle and I'll just keep enjoying it.
Well its mid-week and I still haven't got a response from anyone at NH so I kinda doubt I will. I talked to a guy at the LGS and he said he doubted NH had the information I was wanting anyway. Possibly true but I don't think he fully understood I was wanting manufacturer date and not who originally owned it. Its not a big deal but I'm sure I'm not the only one that likes to know when their firearm was made. I guess I'll just keep searching and maybe something will lead me in the right direction.
Have you tried a phone call Bill? Might get better results speaking to someone. Just a thought.


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