Ok, Let's do the math! $345.00 for the caller, $190.00 for the remote, and $50.00 for one sound card. Thats $585.00! Thats a lot of cash!
Now, I think Im probably like most guys when it comes to predator hunting. Im not just a predator hunter! I dont do it all the time, and when I am out doing it and not having a lot of success I dont consider it a waste of time! I enjoy being out there!
Around here in Indiana Im lucky to get three or four coyotes a year and at an average of about $10.00 a pelt It would take 58 yotes to pay for this unit over a spand of about 15 years.
Now, I'll just come out and say it! There is no way you can have that much wraped up in one of those things, and I dont just mean that about your caller, I think the fox pro is way over priced too.
It seems to me that if you could price this thing around $350.00 you would not be able to make them fast enough and still make a killing yourself. Everyone who uses an e-caller would throw there old one aside and get yours.
Bottom line is, there are a lot of us part timers out there that just cant spend that kind of cash just to pick up a couple more yotes a year.
This is a sport, we do it for fun, we dont want to go broke in the process.