Never Fear Kamala's Here


Staff member
She's en-route to the border today for here 2nd visit in her 4 years as Border Czar so, NEVER FEAR, she vows to fix it on her first day if elected president.

Ahummm, excuse me madam Border Czar, but could you enlighten us as to just what have you done for the border during the 1370 days you have already been BORDER CZAR?

The following statistics were reported by the acting Director of Ice and released on FOX News this morning:

A total of 425,430 illegal aliens currently on "Non Detention Docket" which means they have been released into the country after apprehension. Breakdown of these illegal aliens as follow:
13,099 have already been convicted of MURDER

15,811 have already been convicted of SEXUAL ASSAULT
1,900 are currently facing charges of MURDER
4,250 are currently facing charges of SEXUAL ASSAULT
In spite of claims that violent crime is down under Biden-Harris regime, according to New Bureau of Justice Statistics Crime Data Just Released: Violent crime (Rape, Robbery, and Aggravated Assault) Soaring Under Biden-Harris.

Don't forget she is now claiming to be pro second amendment (also claims she owns a firearm, NEVER says what it is). She also has said law enforcement has a RIGHT to enter your home and take your handguns. I KNOW the constitution is not a foundation of her beliefs, nor does she believe she is bound by oath of office to uphold it.
She also has said law enforcement has a RIGHT to enter your home and take your handguns.
One of the very few questions I've ever heard her answer was when a reporter asked her how they would enforce a firearms safe storage proposal of hers. Her reply was, "We'll go in their homes and check them!" or something to that effect.